7 Silence
There is silence of the body when you don’t take more than you need.
There is silence of speech when you don’t say what is unnecessary.
There is silence of the mind when you no longer identify with its contents.
Silence is the way, the mirror, and the fruit.
Silence is the way to gain clarity.
Silence is the mirror in which to see the self.
Silence t is the fruit of understanding.
Words will lead you astray, but silence will lead you into the heart of the truth.
Once you are silent then the real learning begins.
The real teacher teaches you nothing – and nothingness.
When you are silent then everything becomes your teacher.
When you have a teacher at hand at every moment you will no longer have to seek for the one who knows.
To be open to the totality of life, what better teacher could there be?
Silence is at the heart or love.
Silence sees but does not divide.
Love has many expressions, but its heart is always the same.
Stillness is not the ending of movement, for all that lives moves, but the ending of the movement of self-contradiction.
A still mind moves with the flow or life, not against it.
A still mind is the fleetest thing there is, for it is a mind untethered by direction.
When you are detached from the mind then the mind ceases to be a problem.
Attachment to the mind and its contents in any way is the source of self-delusion.
The mind only becomes a problem when you identity with its contents.
You must go beyond attachment to thought in order to find peace of mind.
How could you ever find peace in that which is the source of division?
The moment you give up your attachments in that moment you will enter into true silence.
Nothing leads to dispersion so quickly as speech; and nothing brings about recollection so readily as silence.
Have you noticed that when you talk the whole movement of the past arises?
He who talks, divides; he who is silent, unites.
Silence is a mirror in which to see your self clearly.
The calmer the mind, the less distorted the mirror, the more clearly you can see.
Silence doesn’t concoct anything, it simply reflects what is already there.
If you are ugly, the mirror doesn’t care, if you are beautiful, it will be apparent.
When the mind is silent then you are who you appear to be.
To be really silent is to be already beyond the self.
To have nothing to hide, nothing to defend, just think how peaceful that would be,
When you know the silence then what appears in the silence no longer obscures it.
Until you understand what it is to be silent, everything will serve to interrupt it.
What is born in the silence has the nature of silence.
Initially the silence is experienced as absence, but eventually it is recognised as presence.
The self rightly understands silence as its own demise and is moved by fear, thinking: this is empty, this is nothing.
All your life you have subjected yourself to endless stimulation and distraction, now how will you face the silence?
If today you are silent, then today you will be sensitive.
Without sensitivity today is yesterday and tomorrow will be just the same.
If your life is dull, it is because your mind is dull.
In the silence you will realise your solidarity with others.
To be in silence means to have put all identification, and therefore all division, aside.
In silence you understand the illusion of separation.
Silence is deep, and so is our unity.
The greatest gift you can give to a friend is your silence.
When you are silent you are able to be completely attentive to the other.
When you are silent, that brings silence to the other – and in that silence love is born.
In silence both body and mind are harmonious.
The self with its contradictory desires creates disharmony.
When you no longer fight against yourself, you will no longer fight against the world either.