October 15, 2020

Africa, cryptocurrencies, push-notifications: how to earn $1235 in 3 weeks

Moving from Financial Brazil to Crypto-South Africa. In this case study, the advertiser didn’t miss the opportunity to play on people’s desire to get rich. So, he actually didn’t and earned $1235 in 3 weeks. Read below to learn how.

Offer: Bitcoin code (CPA)
Period: 26.08-15.09
TS: Kadam (Push)
Affiliate Program: Zeydoo
GEO: South Africa
Payout: $610
Spent: $3 034
Earned: $4 270
ROI: 40,73%

Hey! This is my story about working with South Africa and cryptocurrencies. I decided to choose crypto-offers not by coincidence. The reason was the easy opportunity of quick earning. At this time, I decided to try South Africa and I started with the CPL model.

After working with the CPL model my manager told me that there were 2 deposits out of 56 leads. So in fact it was more profitable for me to work for deposits (payout is $610).


I have collected statistics already from my CPL campaign, so I created a campaign based on the available data.

In the settings I left only mobile devices (PC haven’t worked at all), all ages of subscriptions, all browsers except Samsung, the browser language is "English". I also made a blacklist of sites and disabled showing of ads in the regions that didn’t convert.


During the process, the main focus was on optimizing the devices, regions, and platforms. I disabled “cheap” types of smartphones and Samsung Galaxy Tab. I turned off the regions inside a country that didn’t bring results and I left, mostly large, working cities only. Here I don’t recommend making hasty conclusions on the optimization of subscriptions ages: without spending at least 1 conversion cost (do not forget about high CPA), you can disable the potentially converting ages of subscriptions. In my case, I had 3 deposits for a subscription age of 1-7 days and 4 deposits for >30 days. Usually, everybody advises to disable "old" subscriptions, but, as we can see, clearly not here.


The main goal of push-notifications is to catch the user by the fact he could earn a certain amount of money in a short period. That's why I used the bitcoin icon, or money on the pictures and the texts calling to start earning, registering, etc. I tried to specify more or less real amounts of earnings (500 dollars today, 1000 dollars by the end of the week, 2500 dollars in a week, etc).

Prelandnding page told the success story of how ordinary people with an investment of $250 were able to earn a big amount of money and buy their own house, car, etc. Preland also had step-by-step instructions on how to register on the platform and make a deposit. The components of preland were standard: a news video tells about an incredible trading platform and registration form.


Not bad. In less than three weeks I earn $1235. It’s not a lot of money, but I'm still able to buy some chips or something like that. Conversion from registration to deposit (reg2dep) — 2.22%, which is good for this format. When working with crypto-offers it is important to have a decent call-center on the advertiser's side. It’s important to show the quality of customer service on time. This GEO is overheated, but it is still possible to work, so we do in the future. The only thing we have changed is the advertiser.

Creatives and optimization methods are shown, conclusions and advice on GEO are given — why not make an adaptation of this approach and not launch your own campaign in Kadam? :)

Want to share an interesting case study (even if it’s anti-case study)? Write to your personal manager and we will buy it!

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