March 5, 2021

Kadam updates: new limits options and statistics grouping

Dear friends, we continue to improve your experience with Kadam.

We’ve got two useful updates for you - “Daily conversions limit” and grouping by campaign folders in statistics.

1. Daily conversions limit. The option is available in campaign limits settings.

This option allows you to set a limit on the number of conversions per day. When this limit is reached, your campaign will be paused with “Conversion limit per day” status.

This limit will greatly simplify the work of users who have caps/restrictions on offers, as well as save money by eliminating traffic overflow. You don't have to constantly monitor statistics and manually stop campaigns - our new setting will do it for you.

2. Grouping statistics by folders. Allows you to view statistics of several campaigns at once. For example, you are planning to split one campaign into two: mobile and PC. In order not to monitor each separately, use the grouping by campaign folders.

Grouping is available in general statistics page.