June 5, 2020


Friends, as a part of the marathon, we are offering you to try our serving.

We are launching a flash mob

#Openyourheart ❤️

We propose you to consciously create something beautiful and kind in this world! My attitude towards the people I pass by, creates a sense of space, creates my reality the way it is. And if we distance ourselves from people, judge and condemn them, then the world becomes gray. We can change our attitude and thus the whole world!

Every good deed leads to seven more good deeds. On subtle planes, we are all bound by invisible threads. In every action, we put certain feelings, and they are passed further on. When we won’t act from the position of “me/mine”, but rather from the need to give, the world will change!

Don’t wait for your neighbor to greet you first, be the one who says “Hi!” first! Your good deeds can be something minor (as it may seem) or something more significant and responsible.

We are launching a challenge “Pass it on”. You need to find someone from the chat or outside the chat whom you can help. To do something that you’ve never done before.

You can start by observing - who is in dire need of help... This way you will develop your observation skills and attentiveness to people around you!

Then express this wish to help in action. First, you can help with the little things, a complete stranger, or someone who you’re not used to helping. And after that do something much bigger - use yourself and your creativity fully to help a person, project, family, group. Gradually you will notice that the world becomes more and more beautiful! And reality, with gratitude, sends everything that we have sown back to us! Anything great starts with little first steps!

P.S. Do not forget to share your victories with us!

Everything is in your hands!

Good luck to you ❤️