December 27, 2023

A complete funnel that will 100% bring any expert cheap targeted followers and customers


The scheme I'm going to tell you about is suitable for any expert who sells their services or trainings.
We tested it with many clients and in any niche it showed cool results in the form of cheap targeted blog subscribers.
And the best part is that anyone can make such a funnel!

So, I'll start right away without a long introduction ⬇️.

What will you need for this funnel in the first place?

1. Lead Magnet.

Yes, as cliché as it may be, you need a QUALITY lead magnet.

A little help for those who don't know what a lead magnet is: it's a free offer from you to your audience that is of real benefit to them.

This scheme is used by many people, but only a few get results from it. That's because very few people know how to use it correctly.

What is the major mistake of the majority?

You've probably seen ads where you are offered to get some kind of guide, checklist, etc. for subscribing.

Do you often subscribe for the sake of such guides?
I'm sure you don't! Because such lead magnets haven't worked for 2 years now
People have gotten smarter and no longer subscribe for information they can "google" in 5 minutes.

So, now I'm going to show you how to do it right.
I will present to you the formula for a perfect lead magnet:

👉Your lead magnet should be REALLY useful. It should contain information that people won't find on the Internet for nothing
👉 It's ideal if you share your PRACTICAL experience, or a technique that got you results.
👉 Super ideal - if you're sharing information with people that they can apply NOW.
And when they apply it, they'll realize that you're sharable in your niche and can deliver results.
Which means 95% of the time they'll come back to you again to buy your core service.

For example, this article is also a lead magnet. And in it I tell my real experience. What really works for me and my clients😎

How do you figure out what your audience needs and what lead magnet to offer them?

As cliché as it sounds, there is only one thing that will help you here - analyzing your audience.

- What do people want?
- What are they afraid of?
- What problems do they face?
- How do they solve these problems?

Conduct a survey of your audience. Invite them to call you and ask them these questions. Or just write them down in text and ask them to answer.

For example, what questions might an expert fitness trainer ask?

  • What would you like to change about your figure?
  • How do you solve this problem?
  • What prevents you from achieving your goal?
  • Have you been working out with a trainer?
  • What did you like or dislike? What did you lack?

Based on the answers, you'll understand what your audience is hurting and what they need.
In return for their time, offer them some kind of mini-service (usually some kind of mini-discussion)

Examples of good lead magnets for different niches:

  1. Psychologist/coach - give an author's practice/meditation, which from the first listen will help to get rid of stress, anxious thoughts, relaxation.
  2. Nutritionist/fitness trainer - give for a subscription a piece of a balanced menu on which your clients lose weight.
  3. Esotericist - give a free forecast (you can give a general one, for example, by zodiac signs), or a mini-discussion by date of birth

Okay, we're done with the lead magnet. What's next?

The next step is to tell people that you want to share this cool lead magnet with them.

You can make the reels and tell about it in them and wait for customers...
But, I believe that the easiest and most effective way to get targeted subscribers quickly is TARGETING

The most important thing is that such subscribers are targeted. And they can buy very quickly.

How do you give away a lead magnet?

You can give it out manually on request, or you can set it up to be automatically given out via a chatbot.

There are different chatbots:
For example, bothelp, salebot, manychat, smmbot and others.

If you want, you can figure them out on your own. Or hire a specialist to customize it for you.

In the end, it looks like this: the bot automatically checks if the person is subscribed to you. And if the person isn't subscribed, the bot won't give them a lead magnet.


But that's not all!
Yes, you've learned how to consistently get subscribers to your expert blog.
But your main goal is customers and sales, right?

Sign up for a free consultation with me to analyze your situation, get recommendations on how to package a selling account and future development strategy.

Write "CONSULT" to TG