November 15, 2020

Professional Photographer

Some Insight Into Professional Photographers Pricing

If you talk to many professional photographers, you will get considerably different stories when it comes to professional photography prices and services. With so many new digital photographers in the marketplace, there can be a lot of confusion regarding what a true professional photographer is and what they can do for you.

People call photographers all the time to ask questions about prices. In all too many cases, hiring a photographer comes Professional Photographer to down price. Potential customers look at sample photo galleries online to decide what level of photographer falls into their budget.

Many calls and emails we receive regarding professional photographers are asking about event photographers, wedding photographers, senior portraits and family portrait prices. There are so many variables that go into a shoot such as location, the travel involved to get to a photo shoot and the length of the shoot itself.

"Professional Photographers" can have prices as low as $50 for senior portraits or $5000 or more for a wedding photographer. The "cheap photographer" may not be the best bet because someone working for $50 probably isn't a true professional photographer. Many of our customers are really confused by the prices associated with photography so I have tried to shed some light on the subject here.

Your buddy with his $500 Camera is Not a Professional Photographer

A professional photographer is not your neighbor who has made a trip to the camera store and bought what they think is the latest and greatest DSLR camera. Even if they have the best professional photographer's camera, that does not make them a professional photographer. If you decide to go that route, you may regret that decision and you can't re-shoot a wedding and senior portraits are images you will have for a lifetime.

Using an experienced photographer is the best way to go. Also, keep in mind that there is time involved. Even if you only need one shot, it will take time to find the best shot, ensure the best lighting and in the case of senior portrait photographers, wait for the subject to change outfits.

Another thing to keep in mind is the cost of professional photographers' equipment. Good companies only use high quality DSLR cameras, specialized lenses, professional memory cards, and lighting along with the customized software for image processing. Professional photographers' customers benefit from the latest professional technology being used in the photographs.

Something else that falls under the time umbrella is the time it takes to produce the image. Some things that go into a photo shoot are; setting up the equipment in advance, downloading the photos and going through them after the shoot, digital touch-ups to the photos, deciding which photos are best for prints, burning the photos onto DVDs or CDs, sending them to the lab, and many, many more things.

I think most would agree that there is a great value you get from working with professional event, school, youth sports, senior portrait and wedding photographers.

Keep in mind that true professional photographers shoot for a living. Photographers should be trained professionals who then go through specific training and shoot methodology before they are able to work for a studio.

The Cost of Photography Services

Whether you're a Marine Corps Unit looking for a Marine Corps Ball photographers, a senior looking for senior portraits, a couple looking for a professional wedding photographer, the big question is always: How much is a professional photographer going to cost me?

There are a few things to ask yourself when choosing a professional wedding photographer. Is there a price value on your wedding night memories? Most customers say no. What about senior portrait prices? Senior portraits are another important part of a person's life, signifying moving from one chapter of their life to another. Isn't it worth paying a bit more to hire a true professional senior portrait photographer to know you will have great photos to cherish for a lifetime? The price of the photos could range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars depending on the photographer but the value sometimes cannot be measured.

When choosing a professional photographer for your photography services it is best to make your decision based on value, not just the cheapest price. Think of it like you would consider any other important purchasing decision.