March 15, 2022

ローズ 9:31AM




ツイートにあるたくさんの数字がヒントだよ。明らかに円周率で、今日(3/14)は円周率の日でもある(ハッシュタグで言及)。ニュースフィードでは、Kからのヒント文もある。Hint: v=XpYGgtrMTYs








Deus immortalis Creator magnus Fabricator redemptor(デウス イモータリス クリエーター マグナス ファブリケーター レデンプトール)




ave maria decodeでググると、1)アヴェ・マリア暗号というものがあること、2)アヴェ・マリア暗号の解読方法を調べるためのオンライン解読ツールが最初の検索結果に表示されること、などの関連した検索結果が出てくる。




Trithemius Ave Maria Decoder toolは、フランス語では結果が出ないが、ラテン語では、ALBERTという結果が出てくる。


アルベルト・パイ・デー(albert pi day)でググると、検索結果ページの一番上にスニペットが表示される。

















PI DAY PIDAYPIなど、さまざまなキーフレーズを試してみて。


つまり、Kの彼が過去のメッセージでも使っていたK 2022-03-14というタイトルと、ALBERTYYYMMDDというメッセージ本文として読み直すことができるわけだね。



ここで、多くのエージェントはパスコード ALBERT20220314 を入力しようとしたけど、これも無効なパスコードだ。


「さーせん(ペコリ)by 無頼庵」


「アルベルト・パイ・デー(albert pi day)」でググると、前回のGoogle検索で出てきたのは何だっただろう?

3月14日 アルベルト・アインシュタインの誕生日 - 3/14 - この日は円周率の日として祝われる。

まだパスコードの引き換えが済んでいない方は、パスコードが完全に引き換えられる(fully redeemedになる)前に急いだ方がよいだろう。



rose 9:31AM

have you had a chance to try and decode K's News Feed post?

would it be helpful if I walk through how to decode this and get the Ingress passcode?


there are multiple ways to try and decode this, but I'll share my thought process in case anyone is interested or needs help solving this one:

the big block of numbers is a clue, it's obviously pi, and today (3/14) is also Pi Day (as mentioned by the hashtag) on News Feed, there's also hint text from K, which says Hint: v=XpYGgtrMTYs

if you're familiar with YouTube URLs, you might notice the format of the hint v=xyz looks exactly like a YouTube URL

but if you're unfamiliar with YouTube URLs, then the other tactic is to simply try googling the text to see what comes up

googling this text returns, as the first search result, a link to


"Ave Maria" was written by Franz Schubert, and Schubert's portrait is also the thumbnail image of the News Feed post

a sign that we may be on the right track

so then let's move on to the block of text, the text that kind of looks like a poem

Deus immortals Creator magus Fabricator redemptor

magnus is mentioned multiple times in Ingress lore, specifically 13 MAGNUS, so there might be something to explore there or it could be a red herring

in this case, 13 MAGNUS is not important to the solution, and is just one of those Ingress coincidences

at this point, Agents familiar with alternate reality games (ARGs) or decoding will have a leg up over others because they may recognize based on the "Ave Maria" reference and the strange poem that this is referencing a type of cipher

googling ave maria decode returns relevant search results that should point you to 1) there is something called an Ave Maria Cipher, and 2) the first search result should be an online decoding tool to figure out how to decode Ave Maria ciphertext

my googling led me to this tool specifically:


entering the News Feed text into the decoding tool then returns a match!

the Trithemius Ave Maria Decoder tool says no result for FR, but for Latin, it returns ALBERT

who is Albert, and what does that have to do with pi or Pi Day?

googling albert pi day returns a featured snippet at the top of the search results page:

"Albert Einstein's birthday is on March 14 - 3/14 - which is celebrated as Pi Day"

now we need to decode the last part of the News Feed text, which says NGNGBUSL

a lot of Agents tried entering the passcode ALBERTNGNGBUSL which isn't a bad thought at all, but unfortunately, that's not a valid passcode

so there's something else we need to figure out here, specifically with the last line of the text

let's go back to the Code website we used earlier for the Ave Maria Cipher

on it, there's a link to a Cipher Identifier tool at


dCode's analyzer suggests possible ciphers that could have been used to encode this text

Affine Cipher, PlayFair Cipher, Two-square Cipher, etc.

this is where it takes some brute force and trial and error, but you could go through this list of possible ciphers

in Ingress, some commonly used ciphers (what I would call our go-tos) are Caesar cipher, ROT- 13, and Vigenère cipher

starting with these 3 commonly used ciphers would be a good place to start with, l'd say even before trying to go through Affine, PlayFair, etc.

trying Caesar cipher and ROT-13 doesn't seem to yield anything, but let's try the Vigenere:


dCode's automatic decryption doesn't crack it, but wait! There's a decryption method we can try if we know the keyphrase

remember the original tweet from @ingress? The one with that giant block of numbers with all digits of pi as far as Twitter would allow in a single tweet?

try different keys, like PI DAY PIDAY and PI

we have a match using keyphrase PI , which returns the result YYYYMMDD

so to recap, we now can re-read K's message as the title K 2022-03-14 that they've used in their past messages, plus the message body as ALBERTYYYYMMDD

we can start trying to brute force now by entering that into the passcode entry in the Store or Intel Map, but that's still an invalid passcode

the YYYYMMDD text is letting us know the format needed for the valid passcode

here, many Agents attempted to redeem passcode ALBERT20220314 but this, too, is an

invalid passcode!

as someone else posted on Twitter, "this was supposed to be easy as pie!"


so if today's date doesn't work, then what other date should we try instead?

what was it that our previous Google search returned again, when we googled albert pi day?

March 14 Albert Einstein's birthday is on March 14 - 3/14 - which is celebrated as Pi Day

I hope this has been helpful, but if you haven't yet redeemed the passcode, you better hurry before the passcode is fully redeemed

good luck!