ISTQB полезный материал
1. Чтобы посчитать Statement caverage нужно 1 прибавить к кол-ву else в программе. Это и будет ответ.
Формула: Statement caverage = 1 + Count of Else
2. Если else нет в коде, то ответ будет 1, так как весь путь можно пройти за 1 кейс.
Но стоит внимательно посмотреть на флоучарт кода
3. Если дается схема с узлами (нодами) и говорится, что были выполнены тесты покрывшие узлы:
а всего узлов, например, 8, то тогда процент покрытия высчитывается:
Покрытие утверждений = Кол-во проверенных утверждений / Общее кол-во утверждений
В данном привере покрытие утверждений = 6 / 8 = 75%
4. 100% покрытие решений = 100% покрытию утверждений, но не наоборот
100% decision coverage = 100% statement coverage
5. Decision coverage = Count of IF + 1
6. Для не вложенных циклов Decision coverage = 2, вне зависимости от кол-ва IF
7. Если дается схема и говорится, что были выполнены тесты покрывшие решения (paths):
а всего решений/путей, например, 8, то тогда процент покрытия высчитывается:
Покрытие решений = Кол-во проверенных решений / Общее кол-во решений
В данном привере покрытие решений = 5 / 8 = 62%
8. Риски в тестировании
Все что мешает релизнуть проект - риски проекта
Все что будет сделано после релиза или мешает пользователю - продуктовые риски
Project risk - все что относится к менеджементу (задержки, недооценка, сокращение финансирования, не правильные скилы, конфликты, проблемы коммуникаций, слабые тулзы поддержки, проблемы с 3ми лицами, банкротство)
Product risk - все что касается качества продукта (скудная архитектура продукта, скудный юзер экспириенс, проблемы безопасности, ошибки в продукте)
Определить уровни риски:
- likelihood
- impact
9. Запомнить на каком этапе создаются тест сьюты - ответ: implementation and execution
Запомнить порядок выполнения тестовых активностей:
1. Анализ тестового базиса документа
2. Установить прослеживаемость тестовых условий
3. Определить ожидаемый результат
4. Создать расписание запуска тестов
Запомнить на каком этапе репортятся отличия от ожидаемых резульататов (баги) - test implementation and executuon
Запомнить. Отличие от ожидаемого поведения увиденное конечным юзером - это failure
Запомнить, что в течении фазы Test Analysis and Design выполняется ревью тестового базиса
Запомнить, что ключевая test closure task - это finalising and archiving tesware
Запомнить. Тула, что будет использоваться для регресса - это Recoed/Playback
Запомнить. CAST - это Computer Aided Software Testing
Запомнить, что test comparator связан с Tool support for test execution and logging.
Запомнить. Статический анализ это тоже самое что стат тестирование и выполняется разработчиком
Запомнить, что некоректное выражение про инспекцию - что инспекция подходит даже, когда нет написанной документации
Запомнить, что при ревью не верное правило это: Все члены команды ревью несут ответственность за результаты ревью
Запомнить правильный порядок фаз формального ревью: Planning, Review meeting, Rework, Follow up
Запомнить, что приемочное тестирование не может быть выполнено после того как было зарелизено для комьюнити
Запомнить, что функциональное тестирование - техника ВАЛИДАЦИИ
Запомнить, что structure-based техника это Decision teting
Structural testing может не повторить реальную ситуацию в жизни
При оценивании критериев выхода основная задача - написание test summary report for stakeholders
Product risk анализ происходит в период планирования. Уровень риска определяет Вред, который может быть нанесен пользователю
Почему необходимо определять тестовую стратегию:
Software failure may cause loss of money, time, business reputation, and in extreme cases injury and death. It is therefore critical to have a proper test strategy in place.
Если запрашивают test summary report, то он должен содержать каткий изложение основных активностей, событий и статус в отношении достижения целей
В соответствии со стандартом IEEE829 инцидент репорт это - Anomaly Report
Типичные критерии выхода:
Thoroughness measures, reliability measures, test cost, schedule, state of defect correction and residual risks.
Если мы тестируем 2 системы и в одной из них значительно большая плотность дефектов, чем в другой в соотношении к средним показателям, то мы должны проверить именно систему с БОЛЬШЕЙ плотностью дефектов в следующем цикле тестирования
Тест лидер:
- пишет проектную тест-стратегию
- выбирает тулзу для поддержки тестирования
- Планирует расписание тестирования
- подготавливает данные
Информация из тестов, которые проходил
Первый тестовый экзамен - 25 из 40
1. A white box testing technique that measures the number of or percentage of decision directions executed by the test case designed is called - Decision/Condition coverage
2. Which of the following is a KEY test control task? - Initiating corrective actions
3. ___ includes both Black box and White Box Testing features - Gray Box Testing
4. Which of the following types of defects is use case testing MOST LIKELY to uncover?
- ii) Defects in the interface parameters in integration testing.
- iii) Integration defects caused by the interaction and interference of different components.
5. Maintenance releases and technical assistance centers are examples of which of the following costs of quality? - External failure
6. Which is not a black box testing technique - Decision tables
7. Some tools are geared more for developer use. For the 5 tools listed, which statement BEST details those for developers :
- ii) Coverage measurement tools.
8. PDCA is known as - Plan, Do, Check, Act
9. Which tool needs to interface with other office automation software in order to generate reports in the format required by the organization? - Test management tools
10. Test are prioritized so that: - You do the best testing in the time available
11. ________is a very early build intended for limited distribution to a few key customers and to marketing for demonstration purposes. - Beta release
12. Testing throughout the project in a three-dimensional sense refers to the following dimensions: - Time, Organizational, and Cultural
13. ________indicates how important it is to fix the bug and when it should be fixed - Severity and Priority (answer - both)
Второй тестовый экзамен - 28 из 40
1. Statement Coverage will not check for the following. - Missing Statements
2. For which of the following would a static analysis tool be MOST useful? - Enforcement of coding standards.
3. Which approaches can help increase the quality of software?
- I. Incorporating rigorous testing
- III. Establishing defects metrics
4. The Test Cases Derived from use cases - Are most useful in uncovering defects in the process flows during real world use of the system
5. Code Coverage is used as a measure of what? - Test Effectiveness
6. One of the following is not a part of white box testing as per BS7925-II standards. - Syntax testing.
7. One of the differences between the Modified Condition Decision Coverage and the Condition Coverage is:
- The Condition Coverage ensures all paths through a module are executed whereas the Modified Condition Decision Coverage ensures each path in a decision can independently affect the outcome.
8. Which of the following are MAJOR test implementation and execution tasks?
- I. Repeating test activities
- III. Reporting discrepancies
9. What consists of a set of input values, execution preconditions and expected results? - Test case
Третий тестовый экзамен - 31 из 40
1. Which of the following would structure-based test design techniques be most likely to be applied to?
- 3. The business process flow for mortgage approval.
- 4. Control flow of the program to calculate repayments.
2. Typical defects that are easier to find in reviews than in dynamic testing are:
3. Stochastic testing using statistical information or operational profiles uses the following method:
- Model based testing approach
4. Measurement dysfunction is a problem because:
- Even though the numbers you look at appear better, to achieve these numbers, people are doing other aspects of their work much less well.
5. Which one of the following best describes a characteristic of a keyword driven test execution tool?
- A table with test input data, action words, and expected results, controls the execution of the system under test.
6. Which documents specify features to - be tested, approach, and pass / fail criteria?
- Test plan and test design specification
7. Component Testing is also called as:
8. The specification which describes steps required to operate the system and exercise test cases in order to implement the associated test design
- Test Procedure Specification
9. Which is the best definition of complete testing:
- You have discovered every bug in the program.
10. Verification involves which of the following:
- i. Helps to check the Quality of the built product
11. A system under development contains complex calculations and decision logic, and it is assessed as high risk because of the relative inexperience of the development team in the application domain. Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate choice of test design technique for component testing?
Четвертый тестовый экзамен - 29 из 40
1. Which of the following MAIN activity is part of the fundamental test process?
3. Based on the IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation (IEEE Std 829 - 1998), which of the following sections are part of the test summary report?
4. Equivalence partitioning consists of various activities:
- Ensure that test cases test each input and output equivalence class at least once
5. Testing without a real plan and test cases is called:
6. Which of the following statements are true for the equivalence partitioning test technique?
- A. Divides possible inputs into classes that have the same behaviour.
- B. Uses both valid and invalid partitions.
- C. Makes use only of valid partitions.
- D. Must include at least two values from every equivalence partition.
- E. Can be used only for testing equivalence partitions inputs from a Graphical User Interface.
7. Poor software characteristics are - Only Product risks
8. Which of the following statements about the benefits of deriving test cases from use cases are most likely to be true?
- A. Deriving test cases from use cases is helpful for system and
- D. Deriving test cases from use cases is helpful for testing the interaction
- B. Deriving test cases from use cases is helpful only for automated
- C. Deriving test cases from use cases is helpful for component testing.
9. A software model that can’t be used in functional testing
10. Exclusive use of white box testing in a test-phase will:
- Run the risk that the requirements are not satisfied.
11. Which summarizes the testing activities associated with one or more test design specifications.
12. For which of the following test cases does test coverage analysis not assign the highest priority?
- The ones that cover conditions
13. What is the purpose of exit criteria?
- To define when a test level is complete.
Пятый тестовый экзамен - 33 из 40
1. Methodologies adopted while performing Maintenance Testing:
2. Which of the following is false?
- A system is necessarily more reliable after debugging for the removal of a fault.
3. Which aspects of testing will establishing traceability help?
- Impact analysis and requirements coverage
4. Which is not the software characteristics
5. Which is not a Component testing
6. Requirement 24.3. A 'Postage Assistant' will calculate the amount of postage due for letters and small packages up to 1 kilogram in weight. The inputs are: the type of item (letter, book or other package) and the weight in grams. Which of the following conform to the required contents of a test case?
- Test 1: letter, 10 grams, postage €0.25. Test 2: book, 500 grams, postage €1.00. Test 3: package, 999 gram, postage €2.53
7. Which of the following statements contains a valid goal for a functional test set?
- A goal is to find as many failures as possible so that the cause of the failures can be identified and fixed
Шестой тестовый экзамен - 27 из 40
- Incorrect program behaviour due to a fault in the program
2. Which one does not come under international standard
3. Important consequences of the impossibility of complete testing are
- We can never be certain that the program is bug free.
- We have no definite stopping point for testing, which makes it easier for some managers to argue for very little testing.
- We have no easy answer for what testing tasks should always be required, because every task takes time that could be spent on other high importance tasks.
Правильный ответ - Все эти пункты
4. Link Testing is also called as:
- Component Integration testing
Link testing is also called as Component Integration Testing where we are actually testing whether modules are properly liked or not
5. Majority of system errors occur in the _____ phase
6. The _______ technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage
7. How much percentage of the life cycle costs of a software are spent on maintenance?
8. Which of the following best describes the task partition between test manager and tester?
- The test manager plans, organizes and controls the testing activities, while the tester specifies, automates and executes tests.
9. Which test can be performed at all test levels?
10. The Phases of formal review process is mentioned below arrange them in the correct order.
11. From the below given choices, which one is the ‘Confidence testing’
12. Which of the following statements regarding static testing is false:
- Static testing requires the running of tests through the code
13. EULA stands for End User License Agreement
14. Test Implementation and execution has which of the following major tasks?
- i. Developing and prioritising test cases, creating test data, writing test procedures and optionally preparing the test harnesses and writing automated test scripts.
- ii. Creating the test suite from the test cases for efficient test execution.
- iii. Verifying that the test environment has been set up correctly.
- iv. Determining the exit criteria.
Седьмой тестовый экзамен - 34 из 40
1. Which of the following can be categorized as product risks?
- Error-prone areas, potential harm to the user, poor product characteristics.
2. Which sections are included as part of the test summary report?
3. Which of the following combinations correctly describes a valid approach to component testing:
- i) Functional testing of the component in isolation.
- ii) Structure-based testing of the code without recording incidents.
- iii) Automated tests that are run until the component passes.
4. Perform sufficient testing to evaluate every possible path and condition in the application system. The only test method that guarantees the proper functioning of the application system is called as _________
- testing a released system that has been changed
Восьмой тестовый экзамен - 35 из 40
1. Which of the following is true about White and Black Box Testing Technique:
- Equivalence partitioning , State Transition , Use Case Testing are black box Testing Techniques.
2. A defect arrival rate curve:
- Shows the number of newly discovered defects per unit time
3. FPA is Function Point Analysis. Is used to:
- To measure the size of the functionality of an Information system
4. Cyclomatic complexity: L- N + 2P
5. The testing technique that requires devising test cases to demonstrate that each program function is operational is called
6. What is the name of a skeletal implementation of a software component that is used for testing?
7. What is the disadvantage of Black Box Testing
- Chances of having repetition of tests that are already done by programmer
- The test inputs need to be from large sample space.
- It is difficult to identify all possible inputs in limited testing time. So writing test cases is slow and difficult
Правильный ответ - ВСЕ эти три пункта
Различные полезные термины и ответы на вопросы:
- Risk level is characterized by the probability of its occurrence (likelihood) and the impact
- Planning poker and Wideband Delphi they are the examples of an expert-based approach. Burning chart and software reliability model they are metric-based approaches.
- Which of the following is an example of how configuration management supports testing, when a user reports the field bug?
A tester can reproduce the test cases related to the client’s version of the software.
1. In which moment of a project’s life cycle should the test planning occur?
- It is a continuous activity, as feedback from different test activities may impact the plans and force us to change them
2. Choose the correct sentence about defects, failures, and errors.
- Executing a defect in code during testing may result in actual result being equal to the expected result.
3. Consider the following criterion: “there are no failures with high severity.” What type of a criterion can it be?
- Exit criterion for the “test execution” phase
4. Traceability between test cases and risk items can allow the testers to:
- Implement effective monitoring in terms of calculating the residual risk.
5. Which type of testing cannot be planned in advance?
6. A source to determine expected results to compare with the actual results of the system under test is called
7. Your project follows a V-model as the life cycle model. It is currently in the “Requirements” phase. What kind of test activities can you perform at this phase?
- Design of the integration tests
8. A word processor can be classified as which type of tool, assuming the classification is done according to the testing activities the tools support?
9. What is the direct consequence of communicating defects by a tester to other team members in an unconstructive way?
10. The role of the impact analysis is to
- Identify the possible side effects of a planned or actual change
11. Which of the following is an example of how product risk analysis may influence the thoroughness and scope of testing?
- 70% of the identified high level risks are related to security issues, so the team decides to outsource the security testing to professional penetration testers
12. What should be taken into account when we plan to use a keyword-driven approach?
- In order to introduce a keyword-driven approach, we need to have a technical expertise in scripting language.
13. В задаче с кодом, где просят выбрать statement coverage. Смотреть на кол-во строк в коде (номера) и просчитать сколько строк кода тест кейсы затронули
14. A methodical approach that uses a list of possible mistakes, defects, and failures, and designs tests that will expose those failures, called “fault attack,” is:
- A structured approach to the error guessing technique
15. Which of the following is an example of a model that may be used by the white-box testing on the integration level?
- Call graph, which presents the relationships between subroutines in a program.
16. In order to implement effective monitoring and control, it is critical to:
- Establish traceability between the test basis and the various test work products.
17. What is the difference between static and dynamic techniques, with respect to their objectives?
- There is no difference, because they both try to detect defects as early as possible.
18. You executed a test script which has passed. During the later phases, it turned out, however, that the expected result was different, so the test should fail. This is an example of which of the tool-related risks?
19. Connect the report types with their appropriate audience.
Burndown chart - Development team
Detailed information on defect types and trends in number of defects found and
Status summary of defects by priority - Project manager
20. Which of the following configuration management activities is most important from a testing point of view?
- Ensuring that all test cases are version controlled and related to development items
21. The results of a test planning for a certain project may be documented in:
22. Which of the following, according to the Foundation Level Syllabus, is an example of a tool used by a tester rather than a developer?
- A tool that compares the content of two files
23. Typically, the person responsible for fixing the defect in the artifact under test is:
24. Which of the following work products is the best candidate to perform a static analysis on it?
25. Which of the following is a test type?
26. Select the sentence that correctly explains the issue of using test techniques during the exploratory testing session.
- All test techniques are allowed, because exploratory testing does not impose on tester any particular way of acting.
27. Which of the following is a part of the “initiate review” activity?
- Answering any questions that participants may have about the review
28. n the last few days, all the test team members were trying to figure out why a strange failure occurs in the software. Unfortunately, no one has any idea about that. It was decided that the test team will “simulate the compiler,” which will take form of some dry runs of a software, in order to understand what exactly happens in the code.
Which review type would be the most appropriate for this activity?
29. Assign examples of defects/failures to the phases, in which these defects/failures are most likely to be discovered.
2—Data sent from one component as parameters of some API call are understood by the receiving component in wrong order
3—Application does not round the result when multiplying two values
- 1—component testing. 2—integration testing. 3—system testing
30. Which standard describes the testing process as a multilayer model?
31. In a checklist-based approach, a checklist used by a tester may include:
- Nielsen heuristics that describe the desired usability characteristics of a software
32. Which of the following items can be identified when using a test technique?
Test technique is a procedure to derive and/or select test cases. Test cases are
derived from test conditions and contain test data. Hence, test technique must be able to identify test conditions, test cases, and test data (see Syllabus, Sect.4.1.)
33. You are responsible for functional testing of the new mobile application for tourists.
The application allows a user to plan a route, modify it, read info about the monuments, etc. All these functional requirements are documented in a form of the use cases. Together with your team, you are planning to perform a review of the application regarding its functionality. Which review type will probably be the most beneficial in this case?
34. Select the correct statement about the objectives of testing.
- Testing objectives may vary depending upon the context of the system under test
35. Building a state machine of the System Under Test and deriving from it the tests that cover all 1-switches is an example of which test strategy?
36. Which of the following is an example of a quality risk?
- The system will work slowly due to an ineffective implementation.
37. A tester analyzes the user stories as a test basis. From them, he derives the test cases using state machine testing, executes them and measures the transition (0-switch) coverage achieved by his tests. This is an example of using which test technique?
- Specification-based technique
The test cases were designed on the analysis of the test basis, without the knowledge on how the processing occurs. Then, a state transition technique was used. This is clearly an example of a black-box (or specification-based) technique.
38. You are involved as a tester in the project X, Your manager decided to move you for one week to another project Y in order to support testing in that project, because the project Y is short on testing stuff. The manager also decided that system tests in
project X will be done by one of the developers. What can you say about this decision from the Foundation Level Syllabus point of view?
- It is not forbidden, because different people may take over the role of tester.
39. Which of the following sequences orders the criteria for the test execution ordering from the most important to the least important?
- Logical dependencies, priority, test execution time
40. Which of the following is a measurable criterion used to validate the test basis?
41. Which testing activity is impossible to be supported with the tools?
- All test activities can be supported with the tools.
42. In computability theory, the halting problem is the problem of determining, whether the program will finish or continue to run forever for a given input. In 1936 Alan Turing proved that a general algorithm to solve the halting problem for all possible program-input pairs cannot exist. This is a formal proof of which of the Seven Testing Principles?
- Testing shows presence of defects
43. A weight sensor detects the lift overload when the total weight of the persons in the lift exceeds 280 kg. You want to verify if the sensor implements correctly this requirement. Each test simulates a certain load (given in kg). Which of the following is the minimal set of test cases that achieves 100% BVA coverage in the 2-point BVA version?
44. Project risks do not arise from:
45. Your tests achieved 50% decision coverage. What is a consequence of this fact?
- At least one executable statement was executed
46. Every fifth shopping an order processing system assigns a discount for a customer. You want to use the equivalence partitioning technique to check if this rule holds. Which of the following is a minimal set of values representing the number of the shopping that covers all valid equivalence classes for this problem?
There are two valid equivalence classes for the variable representing the number of shopping sessions—one contains all positive integers divided by 5 (5, 10, 15, 20 and so on), and the other—all other positive integers (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and so on). Hence, the minimal set of test values would be: one positive integer value that is divisible by 5 and one that is not. Hence, B is correct, since 55 is divisible by 5 and 89 is not.
47. Choose the correct sentence about the developer’s and the tester’s mindsets.
- They are different, because a developer’s primary goal is to design and build a product and a tester’s primary task is to verify its quality