Ryazan is a city of 8 gay clubs
An example of how the gay community merges with the authorities or how to steal a billion without ...
Source: www.rucriminal.info
It so happened that Ryazan is now not only the capital of the Airborne Forces, but also the gay capital of Russia! In terms of the number of gays per unit of population, Ryazan has surpassed even St. Petersburg! For a city with a population of just over 500 thousand people, there are as many as 8 gay clubs, not counting private closed parties.
Although this result is not surprising, because Ryazan has a very strong gay lobby. From 2008 to 2017, the most influential gay person in Ryazan was Oleg Kovalev, the governor of the Ryazan region. Kovalev was distinguished by his special love for young boys, who subsequently settled tightly in “warm places” in administrative bodies, the prosecutor’s office and the judiciary.
Another gay activist in Ryazan, Arkady Fomin, who has headed the Ryazan Regional Duma from 2010 to the present, is known for his particular cruelty and deep integration with the Ryazan security forces. It was Arkasha who in 2013 locked up for 7.5 years the former mayor of Ryazan Valery Ryumin and his accomplice Sergei Panin, who extorted 3 million rubles from him for not disseminating information about Arkasha’s addictions. For known reasons, Arkasha himself never commented on this situation.