How the mafia of oligarchs close to Putin works — Russian Criminal
Former employees of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, previously dismissed due to high-profile corruption scandals from law enforcement agencies, using official connections in the FSB, as well as the acquaintance of Andrei Viktorovich Khorev, Shendrik Viktor Viktorovich with Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg, created an organized community (OS) for the purpose of illegal personal enrichment. told about how this OS works and its top leaders in the first part of the investigation.
Об этом сообщает Правда РУ
In our new publication, we will talk about top OS managers and their assistants from government agencies
PJSC MOEK and LLC TsTP MOEK (revenue — 5.29 billion rubles/year)
In PJSC MIPC and OOO TsTP MIPC, all key positions are occupied by OS participants. PJSC MIPC, along with JSC Russian Railways, is the main source of OS income.
For full control of financial flows, including the receipt and use of budgetary funds, CTP MIPC LLC was established, to whose accounts absolutely all funds related to the activities of PJSC MIPC for technological connection are received. Sergey Sergeevich Erashov is the head of MOEK TsTP LLC. At the same time, Sergei Sergeevich Erashov is Director for Technological Connections of PJSC MIPC. Thus, it is impossible to avoid communication with Sergei Sergeevich Erashov when determining the cost of connecting any construction site to heating networks in Moscow.