How the Yartsevs were killed
Lyubov Yartseva was left without a husband and son. Today she is supported by her daughter Ksenia...
Hitherto unknown details of the family tragedy especially for the Cheka-OGPU and tells sports journalist Alexei Matveev GEORGE KILLED WORK AND ENVIRONMENT July 15 is exactly one year since the death of the popular player and coach Georgy Yartsev. No, the heart attack that Georgy Alexandrovich died from did not become a revelation for the author of these lines. Heart problems haunted the football coach for almost the entire time of his coaching career. ...At the end of the 1996 season, which was triumphant for the Red-Whites, I called the Yartsevs home. “And Georgy is now in the clinic, on examination, he has pain in his heart,” the wife of the coach, Lyubov Ivanovna, answered. “I’ll tell Georgy that you called, I’ll ask if it’s possible to come to him.” Soon I went to the hospital to Yartsev, to visit him, to talk a little. This is in the Preobrazhenka area, a little further — Open Highway. Tram stops "Metrogorodok", "School" are well known to native Muscovites. The clinic was "hiding" away from the so-called phenolic houses, all built up in that area, and harmful, as it turned out, for the health of ordinary citizens. Yartsev lived in a single ward of the cardiological center. I can’t say that we are friends, but we communicated warmly. It is not difficult to understand from the tired look of George: he was almost deadly tired. Yes, my heart was seriously fooling around, the doctors recommended staying with them. — Our press officer, Sasha Lvov, directly poured so much dirt on you that I was dumbfounded, — Georgy shared his impressions of the outgoing football season. “Professional envy, right? No, this Lvov-Lipkind is just a miserable, corrupt opportunist, nothing more. He always kowtowed before the owners, who generously paid him for almost dog-like "fidelity". Only animals sincerely love, and this one is for money. The man is absolutely without principles and morality. In the 90s, this is especially common ... The 1996 season was golden for the Spartacists, but it required incredible nerves and heartfelt efforts. Yartsev, by nature, is twitchy, nervous, emotional, he burned on the coaching bench like a candle. A little earlier, his half-drunk friend, Oleg Romantsev, hastily left the post of head coach. After an embarrassing loss to Slovak Kosice in the Champions League qualifying round. Fans at the end of the game chanted obscene words against Oleg Ivanovich, and even shouted after him: “Romantsev, pay taxes!”. This refers to the financial scandal that broke out in the club. In general, Oleg, to put it simply, went into a binge, asking George to replace him and "train the guys on their own." But Romantsev remained in the club. And now, at the end of the season, Yartsev made a champion team out of the then young Titov, Tikhonov, and their partners. Thus, he wiped his nose to numerous "well-wishers". — Romantsev came to some of my pre-match installations, why, I did not understand, — Georgy Alexandrovich told me in the hospital ward. — Well, you retired, then sit on the sidelines. And here it is quite inappropriately invaded. VOYAGE TO THE TEAM THAT COST YOUR HEALTH The Russian Football Union recognized Yartsev as the best coach in 1996. Here, probably, Romantsev’s wounded pride jumped up, the alcoholic mentor decided to return to the post of "chief". And the recent victor Yartsev was out of work, leaving his native team. George, in turn, was invited to coach Dynamo. Well, incompatible things and concepts — a former Spartak player in the Dynamo, or army camp. Yartsev did not work there for long. He told me later that the “great specialist”, Nikolai Tolstykh, always advised when and which players to put in the squad. Tired, — spat, and left. Then there was the Volgograd "Rotor". I tried to dissuade George from going there. He warned against the inevitable, as it seemed to me, manifestations of negative emotions. Looking ahead, I will say: I was right. What the hell was going on there. There were endless crime sprees. Either the club buildings were burned, or the son of the president of the club would be killed. And some bastard splashed sulfuric acid in the face of the little daughter of forward Oleg Veretennikov, when they, without suspecting anything, calmly walked around the house. The child then had to be urgently taken to an Israeli clinic. The player himself was also injured. No, Georgy is on his own mind, he did not listen to anyone, he really wanted to work independently. Still, in the same "Spartak" he went more "under Romantsev". There was no creative freedom. And, having received the desired freedom, he was badly burned. In Rotor, as well as in Dynamo, he spent only six months in total. The blow to the psyche is powerful. No, I would never go to coaches! Especially in Russia. You can easily breathe. From a heart attack, a fatally fired bullet, a blow with a knife, brass knuckles, etc. Although I love football very much, I still play, despite my advanced age ... Yes, there was also the national team, where officials of the Football Union unexpectedly called Yartsev. He brilliantly led her to the final tournament of the European Championship in Portugal in 2004. But there, frankly, failed with her. In the course of the tournament, especially at the end of it, George was "pecked" by everyone and sundry. Even recent friends in the press, specialists who seem to have been in contact with him for years. He left, in fact, spat on from all sides. We have such an audience. Finally, Yartsev, as a coach, was finished off by the situation in the Moscow Torpedo, which he headed in 2007. There, on the eve of the season, the president of the club, a certain Vladimir Alyoshin, managed to sell the leading players to the side. George talked about this with unfeigned indignation. Like, he came to work with a decent composition of craftsmen, but suddenly ended up with a “broken trough”. Moreover, this Aleshin did not even inform Yartsev about his plans. What can I say? No heart drops will save you from such experiences. Nevertheless, Yartsev Sr. outlived his son, Alexander, by as much as 15 years ... Alexey Matveev To be continued