February 2, 2023


Online store of women's underwear with sales all over the world

How to increase the number of sales and the amount of income of an online underwear store with the help of Google Ads?


"Dallianse" already had sales on Facebook and Instagram. The client wanted to scale further and test Google Ads as a source of traffic to attract customers. It was important to attract new customers, because the store had a promoted brand from which sales were constantly coming.


  1. Increase the number of sales
  2. Ensure payback of "cold" traffic from 250%
  3. Test Google Ads as a source of traffic

What did I done:

1. Analysis

Conducted in-depth competitor analysis to understand the topic more deeply and collect keywords on competitors' brands to get some of their traffic. We analyzed the results from Facebook/Instagram Ads to understand which geo, which age, which gender and which triggers to use in creatives.

2. Preparing the account for launch

We set up Google Merchant Center, set up conversions for each stage of the funnel, connected triple veil to the Google Ads account.

We got banned a few days later because of the frankness of women's underwear. Unlocked Google Merchant Center, continued working on advertising.

3. Promotion

We set up search campaigns based on the brand of the store, based on the keywords by which the target audience searches and buys underwear, based on the names of competitors' stores.

We set up shopping only by brand to get conversions for brand campaigns as cheaply as possible.

Adjusted Performance Max campaigns, excluded the brand from them so that they focus on attracting new users. We used the option of automatically raising rates for new users.

4. Optimization We disabled Performance Max for all products, because we did not receive a result that would correspond to the KPI. Products were segmented by income in order to set a separate rate for each separate segment of products.


Income from advertising in Google Ads: $20,697.85

Advertising budget: $7002.02

ROAS = 296%