September 9, 2021

Promotional video about the Instax camera

Hi, I'm Kristina :)

Most recently, I became the owner of the Instax mini 11 camera, which is the most simple and intuitive camera for instant printing of photos. And since I'm a bit of a designer, I decided to create a fan commercial for this camera model. Actually, the article will be about the creation process. I will tell you what difficulties I have encountered, I will share what is already happening.

Since this will be my first video, I started with watching enough. I watched a bunch of commercials, highlighted the main nuances for myself, and after a while a picture of what I want to see in my video appeared in my head.

Next, I decided to talk to people who use this camera. I found different communities on this topic, wrote to people in private messages, was interested in what they think about this camera, what pros and cons they highlight. Analyzed it. I wrote to both Russian-speaking and English-speaking audiences. For the survey, I used such social networks as VK, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc. People turned out to be quite talkative. They were happy to recommend this model, noted the pleasant quality of photos, cute design and compactness. I immediately marked it in my head with a tick that I should show it in the video.

Of course, what a commercial without musical accompaniment. It took a lot of time to select the music, but I did it. Then I also learned how to cut music.

I chose more pastel tones for the color palette of the video, but I think something may change during the creation process.

After all these manipulations, I started the sketching stage, looking for interesting camera angles and movements. Next, I will attach animations of several frames. All cubes/spheres will be replaced with beautiful 3d models.

Here is one of the frames of the sketches, I will still work on the animation, and I think the environment needs to be worked out better.
And then I got tired with the camera animation :)) but it turned out well, I think!

I bought several 3d models of the camera, tried to paint it and put it in the scene. Here's what happened:

There is no light, no textures. There is still work to be done with this.

Sure, in the process I encounter various problems, such as "HOW TO ROUND THE CORNERS OF THIS MODEL???" or "AHHH! WHY DOESN'T ANIMATION WORK?", and how good is it that there are people who can help with advice, well, or YouTube with its tutorials))

In general, I really like this whole process! As soon as I finish with the video, I will definitely share the result.

Thanks for your attention! Any criticism is accepted in the comments to this article! :)