April 9, 2020

Process of changing the password of Netflix on phone

Today’s generation is all addicted to Netflix and binge watches all day long. And not just today’s generation but all of us are dependent on Netflix and keep watching web series and movies of all genres and types. And with a paid subscription, you can easily stream in channels through phone, tablet or laptop.

Changing the password of Netflix

The most important thing to do while accessing Netflix is to keep the account safe and secure! And for that you should keep changing your password. Let’s say if you use your phone for watching Netflix the process of Netflix change password is quiet easy. And for changing the password, you can follow below given steps.

Steps to change Netflix password on phone

1.All you have to do first of all is to log in your Netflix using your email id and password

2.Now on the home page, tap on menu list on upper most section and select your account

3.As the browser opens, you can tap on the change password. Now choose your current password followed by a new password. Now re-enter the password to confirm it

4.For cross check you can log out and again log in through your newly set password. And you will be done with the changing password steps.

Things to keep in mind while changing the password

1.If you want to change your password, make sure you include both numbers and characters

2.Don’t share your password with anyone whom you don’t trust

3.Moreover to avoid forgetting your password, keep changing it from time to time and note it somewhere so that you don’t lose it again

4.Also don’t repeat any old password already shared with someone in past and you will be done.

And hence that’s all for changing password of Netflix. And if in case you need more information then contact the customer care team by mail and call.