May 24, 2021

Cover letter

Hello, !
I am Kseniya from Russia.
I'm a video editor. I can provide you a wide variety of services: shooting or creating with 3D\2D\motion graphic the corporate video, promo video...

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I read your list of tasks/ After taking a closer look at your.. I can see what the changes you need are. I confident that I can perform your project in great way with my skills and experience.

Per your request, I can recommend you themes/videos/refs...

My recent works:

My bid -15-18$/80 $?

I will be able to realize your project for 4-5h/2-3 days. I'll be glad to help you.

I'am flexible in working time and communications, and ready to start this project right away, just waiting for your answer.

Let me know if you have any questions and when you would like to discuss our next steps.

Best Regards, Kseniya

What payment service do you use? Paypa, Stripe etc

I studied in detail your attachment and i confident i can perform your project in great way, as i have all the necessary skills and experience.


Here's a few samples of my works similar to your job:

The first sample is very close to your requirements. You may notice some questions were not asked but the viewer can easilly understand the sense from the answers edited together. We could use the same technics.

I'd like to help you with this task.

To lower your risks of hiring someone unskilled we could start with a trial timeframe for 1 hour and lower rate just for 12$. Or, if you want i can edit the whole video for about 2-3 hours completely. May I take a look at the raw materials?

As you requested, my time estimate on editing of 25 min video is 2-3h. But the specific timeframe depends on the quality and the content of your raw materials.

Looking forward for your reply,




Thank you for invitation for this interview

Can I have a sample of your raw video footage?

To give you time and cost estimates I need to look over the source videos you have.

Do you have B-roll? I mean additional footage of interior, or speaker taken from different angle.

Any updates?

What is your deadline?

Ok. I'l keep in mind.

Would you share it with me?

And please, let me know the purpose of the video? Should it be placed on the landing page (I mean kind of registration form)? Or It's just a kind of informational video.

I estimate 4 to 8 hours of editing with 2-3 revisions.