Time management
It is very modern using special time management techniques to build our life today. There are lots of the tutors who are ready to help us to start planning our life.
But it is easy to say than to do. All of the time -management's ideas sound good but I don't know anybody who applies it in real life. My parents, friends, husband, other relatives, colleagues don't put this rules into their lifes. All of us live without planning. We aren't able to plan our future week during the weekend.
Besides, I noticed other thing. There are not successful people around me. My parents, husband, friends, me are ordinary people.
So, maybe these things are connected with each other.
If you are good in the time- management you will be successfull. I found some ideas which proved this point of view:
- most of the popular and successfull people talked about time - management in their life and give us a piece of advice how we can use these methods of the time- management and implement in our lifes ( for e.g.https://www.lifehack.org/326408/time-money-10-time-management-tips-from-highly-successful-people) ;
- statistic said that the only 5 % of people who know what is important and they make sure that 95% of their waking hours are spent working on those important things. The rest, spend 95% of their waking hours on trivialities such as spending time in social networks.
- People who are successfull use time management techniques not only for work but also for their ordinary life without work.
As for me, last point is more interesting because I used to think that only work required to be responsible and maybe it is my mistakes that I am not trying to manage my free time at home.