September 17, 2020


The cushion cut has a square or rectangular outline with rounded corners. While the preferred shape has a 1:1 ratio, we most often see it in a slightly elongated shape. This classic cut has been around for almost 200 years, and for the first century of its existence, it was the most popular diamond shape (similar to the round cut today). Until the early 20th century, the cushion cut diamond was the de facto diamond shape, and is still extremely popular as it has better ‘fire’ than the other diamonds.

Traditional cushion cut diamonds return light in a chunkier pattern than modern cuts. Combined with the enlarged culet (which was considered desirable for the pattern created when viewed through the table), this created a distinctive look that is prized today among dealers in antique diamonds.

Partially based on cut research initiated by Marcel Tolkowsky in the 1920's, refinements to cushion cut diamonds over time (such as shrinking the culet, enlarging the table, and improving cut angles for increased brilliance), have led to a resurgence in popularity. Many buyers are attracted to the antique feel combined with modern performance offered by the cushion cut.