October 13, 2020

Why Lab-Grown Diamonds are better than Mined Diamonds?

There has always been a debate on what is better- Lab-grown diamonds or Mined diamonds? What is the difference between the two? Are lab-grown diamonds cheaper? Should you buy lab-grown diamonds?

This article will answer all your questions related to understanding lab-grown diamonds.

Let us first understand what are lab-grown diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds are manufactured in a lab by replication of the same natural process of diamond creation. The same extreme heat and pressure conditions that occur inside the earth’s crust, are recreated in the lab while making the lab-grown diamonds. They share the same chemical and physical properties as real diamonds. They are also known as man-made diamonds, CVD diamonds, lab-created diamonds, etc.

Lab-created diamonds are manufactured by HPHT & CVD process. HPHT is a process in which the seed of an existing diamonds is placed inside the machine and is exposed to 1500 Celsius and pressure of 1.5 million pounds per square inch. As a result of extreme heat & pressure, the carbon around the seed melts & crystallized carbon is formed. After cooling, the pure carbon is formed.

CVD process generally begins with treating HPHT diamonds. They are exposed to 800 degrees Celsius in a closed container. The container has carbon-filled gases that get ionized into plasma under extreme conditions. The existing molecular bonds break and pure carbon is formed.

Now you have a brief understanding of lab-created diamonds, lets understand what is the major differentiating factor between the lab-grown and mined diamonds.

The main difference between the lab-grown and mined diamonds is the place of origin. The real diamonds are formed inside the earth’s crust while the lab-grown diamonds are manufactured in the lab by creating a similar condition & environment.

Why Lab-Grown Diamonds are better than Mined Diamonds?


Lab-created diamonds share the same optical and chemical properties as real diamonds. So quality is not a concern while choosing these diamonds.GIA is certifying lab-grown diamonds according to 4 C’s parameters since 2007.


Lab-grown diamonds cost 20-30% less than the real diamonds. They don’t hurt your pockets and you can get your dream diamond at an affordable price and buy jewelry according to the latest trends.


Lab-grown diamonds are a sustainable choice because they don’t result in mining, land degradation, and deforestation. There is no major environmental damage that is involved in creating lab-created diamonds. They are an eco-friendly choice.


Lab-grown diamonds are conflict-free & ethical diamonds. There is a transparent supply chain involved in the making of lab-created diamonds.


The lab-grown diamonds are gaining high popularity in recent times. It is estimated that the lab-created diamond jewelry market will reach $5.2 billion by 2023 ith a growth rate of almost 22% between the tenure of 2018 to 2023.

These were some aspects in which the lab-grown diamonds are a better option than mined diamonds.

We hope this article gave you a brief understanding of lab-grown diamonds. You can explore and buy online from our IGI certified lab-grown diamond collection here.