August 24, 2020

Cleaning wooden furniture , how do you do that?

Do you have a wooden bookshelf, table, sofa, TV cabinet or other oak furniture? You are very happy with it and would like to keep it as nice and tidy as possible. You can then ask yourself how you can keep or clean the wood in a good way. It may also be that you have stains or circles in the wooden that you would like to get out again. In this article, we discuss which cleaning products and tools you need to remove stains from the wood. Also some cleaning tips specifically for oak and how you can prevent stains in your beautiful wooden  furniture the next time.If you are searching for Wooden Furniture Manufacturers in USA then go with.

Which cleaning products to use?

You might think, I'll get a can of methylated spirits to clean those stains from the wood. We can already tell you, this is not recommended if you want to keep the table in its full glory. This damages the wood enormously. But then you already wonder, which cleaning products can I use? The following means are fine to use while cleaning your oak furniture . Might make sense, but don't use them all at once. The resources used to make wood are vinegar, olive oil, soda and green soap. These are ways to clean both processed and unprocessed wood.

Cleaning vinegar

Cleaning vinegar is a well-known cleaning agent that is used for many cleaning jobs. It is also a great cleaning agent to use for wooden furniture. Make a bucket of warm water and dissolve a dash of white vinegar in it. Mix it well and wet your cloth or sponge with it. Squeeze the sponge or cloth you are using well and clean the wooden furniture with it. It is important to squeeze the sponge or cloth well so that the water does not damage the wood.

Cleaning vinegar + olive oil

The following products that you can use to clean your wooden furniture are cleaning vinegar in combination with olive oil. I can already hear you thinking, olive oil ?! But then you are cleaning with grease. Yes that's right. The moment you mix a few drops of cleaning vinegar with a little olive oil, this is the mixture that will remove the circles and stains from your oak table . Rub the mixture gently on the stain or circle and let it soak for a while. Then take it off and with a clean cloth and the grease stains or circles have disappeared from your wooden table.

Green soap

Green soap can be used on many different types of wood to clean it. However, green soap is mainly used with teak. Make another bucket with warm water and a little bit of green soap. Mix the green soap well with the water and then use a sponge or cloth to clean the table with it. With a sponge, remember to use the soft side to clean with. Otherwise you will still have ugly scratches on it. That is precisely not the intention. 


You use soda in the same way as the green soap. Mix it with warm water and then use a sponge or cloth to clean it with this. 

What tools you need

We've already revealed it a bit, but the tools you need to keep the grease stains and circles out of your wooden furniture are a sponge, a cloth and a bucket. We certainly advise against cleaning the wood with large brushes. This can cause the wood to be damaged and this is exactly what we don't want, right? As you can see, you don't need much to keep your wooden furniture clean. You could also consider a dustpan to keep the wood clean.

 Cleaning tips for wooden addition to the resources and tools you need to keep your wooden furniture properly clean, we also want to give you some tips on how to do this best. Below you will find 4 tips that will help you keep your wooden furniture in a state of full glory. 

 Don't use too much water- The moment you use a lot of water while cleaning your wooden furniture, the wood will absorb this water and expand. This can make the table ugly and you want to prevent this. It is therefore important to wring the cloth or sponge as well as possible and to wipe it with a dry cloth. This way you remove the dirt, but you do not damage the wood further. 

 Let the cloth do the work- The moment you start working with wood and you start scrubbing hard, the wood will be damaged. The grain will fade or you scrub so hard that your wipe will leave streaks on the wood. As they say with saws that the saw should do the job, when cleaning wood we say the cloth should do the job. 

 Dust the wooden table in the direction of the grain- When you are going to dust a wooden table, for example, it is wise to dust in the direction of the grain. This way the grain remains most visible and the most beautiful. 

Prevent stains in your oak furniture- Although you are most likely reading this article when you have a stain or circle in your wooden furniture, you may also wonder how to prevent stains and circles next time.  You can also visit Bone Inlay Nightstand.

Give the wooden furniture a layer of lacquer-  Applying a layer of lacquer to your furniture firstly provides a bit of protection. For example, water is less likely to be absorbed into the wood and the dirt is less likely to be absorbed into the wood. A thick layer of lacquer also helps to clean the furniture. 

Use coasters or other protective layers- This tip may speak for itself, but it is one that really works. Use coasters or, for example, a tablecloth. This way you prevent the dirt or drink from touching the furniture at all. You could possibly think of a glass plate over the wood. This can give a rural piece of furniture a modern look. At the same time, your furniture is protected. What else do you want?