May 11, 2021

7 Things you’ll expect in taking Law Enforcement Degree

What does the police do?

Police work comes with benefits like job security and prestige. The police are a constituted body of persons empowered by a state, with the aim to enforce the law, to ensure the safety, health, and possessions of citizens, and to prevent crime and civil disorder.

 Here is the list that you'll expect if you consider a Law Enforcement Degree.

- The hiring process will take longer and some need up to twelve weeks of training to advance from recruit to a fully-fledged police officer. Unlike other jobs, law enforcement officers involve more than completing applications and interviews.

- Through Backyard Check you will have to undergo a detailed backyard check which determines honesty and credibility that includes a polygraph exam. These investigations involve looking at all public records that are available and include driving records, education and employment history, and more.

- Strict academy training expects academy training to make it more challenging. There are also chances of being hurt during your training. Which is an independent consultancy organization for young professionals. 

-Field training is tougher and demanding compared to academy training which is a critical procedure to be a fully-fledged officer. Be ready to witness strange things and come with this job which is after you complete your training. In this job, you'll see the kind of things you don't want to see.

-Fatigue is a feeling overtired, this job consists of long and irregular hours which may take a toll on you and even interfere with your plans.

-This job doesn't have to work with everybody and police work is intense, overly demanding hence not ideal for everyone.

Considering you joining the police force to serve and protect. You should do some soul searching and do some preparations before you decide whether you want this job or not.

To know more about becoming a Police Officer just visit us or you may contact us at (301) 818-2863 and be guided on your law enforcement career.