August 14, 2020

Listening Challenge Day 5

Elementary: Cut in Line

A: I can’t believe it took us two hours to get here. The traffic in New York is unbelievable.

B: Yeah, but just relax honey, we’re here and we’re going on vacation. In a few hours we’ll be in Hawaii, and you’ll be on the golf course.

A: Oh no! Look at that line! It must be a mile long! There’s no way I’m waiting for another two hours.

B: Honey... don’t...

C: Hey man, the end of the line is over there.

A: Yeah...

C: No seriously, I was here first, and you can’t cut in line like this.

A: Says who?

C: I do!

A: So sue me!

C: Alright... that’s it...

Key Vocabulary:

unbelievable = incredible, amazing - невероятный
to relax = calm down - успокоиться
be a mile long = is very long - очень длинная (очередь)
cut in line = move in front of someone waiting in line - влезать без очереди
there’s no way = it’s impossible - это нереально, невозможно

Supplementary Vocabulary

Sue me! = Подай на меня в суд!
traffic jam =many cars not moving on the road - автомобильная пробка
a few hours from now =soon, in a couple of hours - через несколько часов
form a queue - to get in line - стоять в очереди
jump the queue - cut in line(Br E) влезать без очереди
line up - form a line = становиться в ряд, линию

Intermediate - Out Of Control Spending

A: OK, so now the last point on our agenda. Jill, let’s go over the profit and loss statement. B: Great. Well, the main issue here, as you can see, is that our expenses are through the roof. A: Let’s see... These numbers are off the charts! What’s going on here! B: Well, um, sir, the company expenditures on entertainment and travel are out of control. Look at these bills for example. Just this month we’ve paid over twenty thousand dollars for hotel charges! A: OK, thank you. I’ll look into it. B: The list goes on and on. Here, this is a bill for five thousand dollars for spa treatments! A: Thank you; that will be all. I’ll take care of it. B: Look at this one sir, eight thousand dollars were spent in one night at a place called ”Wild Things”?! A: OK, I get it!! Thank you for your very thorough analysis!

Key Vocabulary
go over - revise, check = пройдемся, проверим
through the roof - suddenly very high = неожиданно резко увеличиваться, взвинчиваться (подняться "выше крыши")
off the charts - very high = (цены) очень высокий, большие (числа)
expenditures - amount of money spent on something = траты, расходы
out of control - not in control = бесконтрольно
look into - investigate, try to get information about something = изучить
go on and on - continues = продолжать
take care of - do something about = заняться (вопросом) , позаботиться (о проблеме)

Supplementary Vocabulary
revenue - amount of money paid to a business=доход
cash flow - the movement of money into and out of a business = движение денежной наличности
the bottom line - the net profit; the amount of money a business makes after expenses = чистая прибыль (после всех необходимых выплат)
finances - the amount of money you have and how well it is organized = финансы
income - the amount of money a person or a company makes= доход
assets - things of value that are owned by a company = активы, ценности (компании)

Advanced - Job Interview Part II

A: Thanks for coming in today, did you have any trouble finding us? Please take a seat.

B: Thank you.

A: So, let’s get started; tell me a bit about your educational background.

B: Sure! Well, I graduated with honors from Chesterton University with a major in Business Administration, with a specialization in Information Management, and I minored in psychology. I chose this course of study for two reasons: I wanted to gain some practical, marketable skills, which the information management track provided, and I also feel that interpersonal skills are essential for professional success, hence the minor in psychology.

A: Interesting. And, your postgraduate studies?

B: Well, I am really passionate about consumer behavior, so I pursued a master’s in that area. I also strive to keep my professional skills current, so I continuously attend seminars and conferences related management and customer service.

A: Very good. Now, tell me a little bit about your work experience. I see here that you previously worked at Oracle.

B: Yeah, I worked as their customer support manager, which brought me a breadth of experience in both client care, and process management. I supervised and coordinated the customer support team as well as implemented new strategies to achieve better customer satisfaction.

A: Interesting...

B: Yes, in this position I was able to make some pretty significant contributions to the overall success of the company. With the different initiatives that we implemented, we lowered our churn rate to about five percent, which had a direct impact on revenue.

Key Vocabulary
educational background - the history of the education you’ve had - образование (где, когда)
with honors - with special recognition for receiving very high marks - с отличием
major - the main field of study in an undergraduate degree - основное направление
specialization - a limited area of study - специализация, направление обучения
to minor - to have a secondary area of study in an undergraduate program = дополнительная специальность, доп направление в обучении
course of study - the combination of courses taken in a degree program = учебный курс
track = course of study
postgraduate - masters or Ph.D; education above the bachelor’s degree level = пост университетское образование
hence - for that reason = поэтому, следовательно
to pursue -[pə'sjuː]- try to do something over a longer period of time =преследовать (цель); следовать намеченному курсу. 2. добиваться

to strive - try hard to do something - стараться, пытаться/стремиться, прилагать усилия
a breadth of - a wide range or scope of something - спектр, широта (кругозора, взглядов)
significant - important and large enough to have a noticeable effect - значимый
contribution - adding or giving something - вклад

Supplementary Vocabulary
tertiary education - university education - высшее образование
take initiative - take the chance to do something before others do - взять инициативу
to distinguish - make something different in a special way - отличать, распознавать, различать
attribute - a good quality or feature that someone has - отличительная черта, характерное свойство; неотъемлемый признак
to scrutinize - examine something in a careful and critical way- внимательно всматриваться, пристально разглядывать. 2.тщательно исследовать