August 11, 2020


The chart give information of goods transported in the UK among 1974 and 2002 by various modes of transport.

There were 4 types. Namely: road, water rail and pipeline. Overall, modes had grown up by 2002. However the rail one has stopped near its beginning. The order of the most efficient methods beginning from more to less and it is the same as was written before.

The road chart started with 70 tones and finished with about 10 dozens tones at the end. The graphic have periods of falling between 1978 and 1982 and 1992 to 1995 years, but at the rest of time graphic was increasing.

The water dotted line chart started with 39 and finished with about 64. It was growing from the beginning until 1992 with about 60 tones. Then it was decreasing among ages 1992 and 1999 and finally started increasing till the end.

The rail chart started with about 40 and finished with 42. The graph looks like waves. The periods of falling and increasing quantities are the same.

The last one is a pipeline graph, which started with 5 and finished with about 20. Overall, it has grown to 400 percent.