November 27, 2019

Lesson 9: Buying Shopping Disorder

Topic of the week: Shopping


Let's read the news first

The Internet has brought the convenience of shopping at our leisure in the comfort of our home. For many, the attractions of shopping can turn into an addiction. Experts believe that online shopping can develop into a mental illness. Researchers from the Hannover Medical School have termed the illness "Buying Shopping Disorder" (BSD).
Dr Müller and her team conducted research on earlier studies on shopping involving 122 patients who sought treatment for BSD. Dr Müller said five per cent of people might suffer from BSD. She added that younger people are more likely to develop it. They also have greater levels of anxiety and depression. People with BSD exhibit negative behaviors. These include buying expensive things they don't need, keeping and never using things they order, buying things for instant gratification, and ending up in debt. BSD can destroy marriages, relationships and mental health.

Advanced vocabulary

  • Addiction - the need or strong desire to do or to have something, or a very strong liking for something (склонность, зависимость)
  • A mental illness - психическое расстройство
  • To be more likely - вероятнее, чаще.

Example: Men were 10 times more likely to report the crime to the police than women.

  • Anxiety and depression - тревожность и депрессия
  • Instant gratification - мгновенное удовлетворение
  • To end up in debt - оказаться в долгах

Comprehension task

  1. What did the article say the Internet brought to out lives?
  2. What kind of a research did Dr. Muller and her team conduct?
  3. Who according to the research has more tendency to developing BSD?
  4. Do you consider yourself as a shopping addicted person?

Submit your voice message or a text review to @EnglishTutorialBot before Saturday 9 p.m. (UTC +3).

Looking forward to your homework,

💛 With love, teacher