December 7, 2020

Types Of Diabetes

I try to avoid the use of the older sulfonylureas such Diabetes Masterclass Review as Glyburide, Glipizide, and Glimepiride due to their risk of hypoglycemia. That being said, yes I do use them due to their cost effectiveness ($4.00/month at many pharmacies).The other incredibly important aspect of diabetes treatment is the management and control of blood pressure and cholesterol as these are major risk factors for heart disease. The leading cause of death in people with diabetes.

I often say that the more I treat people with diabetes the more I realized that medicine is truly an art more than a science. Every patient is different and what works well for one will certainly not always work well for another. Individualized treatment goals and individualized treatment are essential to good care. As is the need to be treated by a team of providers to be sure you are receiving all the care and education you need and deserve.

Every diabetic is different. Each diabetic responds to treatment, medication and foods differently as well. Yet, when it comes to dieting there are some common sense things diabetics can do which will help them overall health wise. The things listed below should be discussed with your doctor.