Prideful to Penitent - God's Transformation of His People
He learned many things from the "Masters" Soul Manifestation Review of many different beliefs. I believe he was trying to teach the things he learned to the masses, and just like today when one teaches things outside the accepted norm, people rebel and think you are a kook.It doesn't matter if you believe in Jesus or Christianity, or even if one is an atheist, the teachings in the bible, just like any other holy scripture from almost any belief, if followed will lead to a better and more prosperous life.
By following Jesus, we are following his teachings and the universal laws of nature, or God's Law, thus we will have a better life and go to our perceived heaven, just as people of other religions believe that if their "Master " is followed, they will go to heaven also.From this is is obvious that maybe we don't all go to the same heaven. Jesus said, "My house has many mansions. " May be that is what he meant, when we pass over, we go to what we assume would be heaven to us, or we rather go somewhere we determine we are worthy, based on our own self esteem. .
The Mormons speak of the Celestial Kingdom and it's many rooms stating that what we achieve in this life determines the level and room we enter upon death.We all came from some where when we are born, at least our soul does, it never dies. We all have a celestial kingdom, a place "from Whence we came. "