Effective Interrupt Fasting Methods For Office People
You've all heard about the benefits of intermittent fasting (IF) such as weight loss (especially for stubborn belly fat), more energy, improved digestion, reduced sugar cravings, prevention ( like diabetes) and sleep better. There are so many ways to accommodate intermittent fasting in your life, there will certainly be one right for you.
18:6 involves fasting for 18 hours during the day, leaving you with 6 hours to eat. This may mean you are allowed to eat lunch at 12:30 pm, snack at 3pm and then end with dinner at 6:30 pm .. This plan may work for you. if your weight loss is delayed doing 16: 8 or if you tend to overeat at different times of the day.
Fasting specialist Jason Fung, MD, a kidney specialist (kidney specialist) and author of The Complete Guide to Fasting, explains that intermittent fasting increases growth hormone levels and lowers insulin levels. Both help burn more fat.
Are there any health benefits?
Luckily for you, it's not just about losing weight. There's a whole host of health benefits and benefits from the 18: 6 approach. It can help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, lower cortisol levels (which means less stress!) And help reduce inflammation. Plus, since you cope with hunger during the first two days, it's better for your mental health.
When can I go on an 18: 6 diet?
18: 6 is the diet. You can choose a suitable frame for the day for you - perhaps between 10am and 4pm or 11am - pm and the most effective is 12pm to 6pm. Alternatively, you can still drink tea and coffee outside of those hours, but the best thing is water.
What can I eat on an 18: 6 diet?
This diet is to suggest you eat all the food you can for 6 hours. But you need to make sure you eat a balance of fat-fortified and health-boosting foods. Experts have suggested making sure you get a balance of lean meats, eggs, milk, vegetables, nuts and beans every day. It really is that easy!
Try balancing each meal with a variety of healthy foods, such as:
Fruits: Apples, bananas, berries, oranges, peaches, pears, etc.
Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, greens, tomatoes, etc.
Whole grains: Quinoa, rice, oats, barley, buckwheat, etc.
Healthy fats: Olive oil, avocado and coconut oil
Protein source: Meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs, nuts, seeds, etc.