October 15, 2019

6 things every woman yearns for that are as good as intimacy

Giving her a slow provocative massage

Giving her a slow provocative massage before sex might be the most special thing you’d her. A slow provocative massage triggers an inward excitement within her creating a super sensational moment for her. The small slow romantic movements and irresistible pick up line of your hands on her body stimulates every of her body nerves sending bolts of electrifying feelings to her whole body. Start slowly from the neck, down her body and to her butts. Be as gentle as possible and bring out the groaning and moaning in her. The feeling is so incredible almost like that of making love. She will scream ad demand you inside her if the massage is done more perfectly.

Don’t rush to the goodies

Go slow on her goodies at first and try making out or romancing for couple of minutes. Play with her body and her vital parts doing the most of the licking and fingering. You can also entice her a bit. This will give her the most wonderful feeling of her life. It steams her inner feelings giving her a strong and burning urge with the effects seen in most of her delicate or private organs. It will highly prepare her for the act triggering her innermost or intimate feelings sometimes better than making love. Also, this will take her to the seventh heaven, commonly called “cloud nine.” It is a world of her own, a world she can only understand.

Lighting a few candles

Lighting a few candles before sex creates the mood for sex. Women need to be romanced before the act and to create a conducive environment. With the candles burn low emitting some kind of sweet fragrance and perhaps a slow romantic song in the background, her mood changes and a sexual feeling kicks in for her. Her mind is set for the act, as the climate and the environment within the room sends a strong message that it is time to make love. This will slowly sooth her triggering the correct nerves that will implore her to give in. this really lightens their mood giving her a special feeling.

Say what you want to do to her in detail

Women love some tenderness and romantic non-sexual acts, like telling her what you want to do to her in detail, before getting intimate. Such talks done with tenderness and in a soothing voice is believed to be most effective in turning her on naturally. Playfulness and teasing before getting intimate makes the moments enjoyable and relaxing, especially for women. A lot of women find such talks as a great turn-on and an assurance that the man is mentally with her during those intimate moments. It is generally felt that good lovers are the ones who are able to arouse their women naturally before intimacy. Such moments are great and help to ease the pressure and tension women feel at times.

Spray perfume on your chest and back of your neck

You wanna spice up your intimacy moments, there are a variety of things you can do. One of them is spraying perfume on your chest and back of your neck just before getting intimate. This is also one way of creating a moment of romance and way to spice up the air and bring in a nice and sweet smell around the room. Bad smell is a big turn off to women and can spoil your chances of “eating the cake.” So a nice perfume can go a long way in getting her into the mood for intimacy.