January 29, 2020

How to Install WordPress Theme a helpful & Illustrative Guide

A collection of stylesheets and templates on WordPress that are used to define the display and appearance is called a Theme. One can not only easily upload a theme to WordPress, but they can also change, manage and even add a theme from the WordPress admin area. However, we understand that the process can be a little technical for people that are new to WordPress. Thus, here is a look at how to install WordPress theme? in a jiffy.

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How to Install WordPress Theme
Installing a WordPress theme is a multitiered process that requires a bit of finesse, dedication and a whole lot of effort. In order to ensure that your website shines from day one, you need to first know exactly what you are looking for with regard to your website. Thus, delve deep into the cyberspace and look up all the details that you believe are necessary to make your WordPress website stand out. Once the brainstorming process is done, we can move on to the next step.

Now, every theme in WordPress is accompanied by its own set of layouts, designs, and features. It is the sole discretion of the user as to how to use these designs and what would be the right way to design these layouts and features.

1 How to Create a WordPress Website?

In order to create a WordPress site, all you need is to first log in to your hosting account. You can either host your website yourself, or you can simply purpose hosting from hosting services. Next, you need to go onto your control panel and look for a “website” or a “WordPress” icon. Choose the domain where you would like to install your shiny new website and click on the install now button and your WordPress site is all set up and ready to go.

2 How to Install a WP Theme Functionality?

Now, the next ideal step would be installing the functionality necessary to your WordPress theme. The first thing that you have to do here is to install a new WordPress theme to the site admin page of your WordPress account. Next, you have to go to appearance and then to themes.

Once there, you have to check all the themes that are currently installed in the application that you are using. However, if you are looking towards adding a new application, all you have to do is simply click on the Add New button and you are all sorted.

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3 How to Choose the Right WordPress Theme?

One of the easiest ways to upload themes on your WordPress site is through the official themes directory. This directory is filled with a number of officially designed themes that you can download, install and customize on the basis of your needs. You can look up the sort of theme you are looking for by simply looking up your desired style using the associated tags.

In this particular area, the tags do not always lead you to the sort of theme that you are looking for. Thus, in an effort to improve the entire WordPress theme searching process, you can make use of the Filter feature and choose the details that you believe that you want in your website. This again is not ideal, but it is a good way to narrow down all the necessary details.

4 How to Upload Theme to WordPress?

Once you have made your choice with regard to the theme that you are going to use, all you have to do is upload theme to your WordPress site. For this purpose, you again have two options. You can either hover over the theme and see a demo version of it on display before you. This can give you an idea of what your website is going to look like once you install it.

At this point, if you are sure that this is the theme for your WordPress website, you can simply go ahead and install it. For that, all you have to do is click on install that is right beside the preview button. Once your WordPress theme has been installed, all you have to do is activate the theme and you are all good to go.

How to Install WordPress Theme – An Alternative Method
How to install WordPress theme is a rather frequently asked question. When a question is as frequently browsed as this one, there are always more than one answers to the question. Thus, if using a theme from the WordPress directory does not work for you, or the vision you hold for your website, you can always go ahead and upload theme to WordPress. Now, how to upload a theme to WordPress you ask?

Uploading a customized theme to WordPress and then installing it is as easy as counting from one to three. All you have to do is, click on upload theme option presented to you. It is located right above the list of basic, generic themes that WordPress has on offer. Once you are done uploading a theme to WordPress, all you have to do is follow the how to install wp theme yet again and you are good to go.

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WordPress is all about utility and ensuring to you get to have a well-rounded and enriching online experience with your website. This, the process of how to upload a theme to WordPress and later, how to install a wp theme are relatively easy, especially compared to most websites offering a similar service.

WordPress is the go-to platform for most website owners, especially when they have a business to run and they are working hard to ensure that their brand is able to generate the recognition and the following it needs on online platforms. Thus, do not waste your time. Invest in a website hosting service today and let this post be a guide to how to install WordPress theme. Begin your WordPress journey.