Weekly summary 3 - Rotations
🔝🔝🔝 WEEKLY SUMMARY Rotations
HI everybody,
Last week was spent on various topics regarding technical execution.
Let’s summarize what we have discovered in this weekly summary!
#weeklysummary #rotation
1️⃣ Overall comments :
💚 Judges start counting the rotations ONLY when the shape becomes defined (for example, leg has to reach the split position etc).
💚 Advise for the coaches : please teach your gymnasts to reach the position as fast as possible in order not to lose time for preparation.
❤ Rotations have to be well fixed and defined during the duration of the pivot. When the segment drops below medium tolerance – we don’t count the pivot anymore.
💛 #clarificationwanted : penalties inside the rotation when the trunk and/or leg are deviating slightly or even quite a lot – which penalties do we take (loss of balance, assymetrical position of the trunk etc) and what are the consequences for BD
2️⃣ Heel support
💛Attention : the pivot is valid ONLY until heel support
💛 #clarificationwanted for the heel vs low releve issue (very difficult to define in high speed during competitions)
3️⃣ Hops vs sliding
💛 Same as we discussed during the week of TE it is often not clear what the gymnast did – sliding or hops. We hope to get this clarified as soon as possible.
4️⃣ Fouette pivot
💚Important note for the judges : not necessary for the apparatus work to each EVERY 2 rotations. It is ok for apparatus work to be in first fouetté, then in 4th, then in 5th, then in 8th etc.
💛 #clarificationwanted for fouetté with leg at horizontal level. Do we count the initial tur (starting from parallel legs) as preparation or as the first 0,10 rotation. This will affect how we will evaluate the apparatus handling later on
💛 #clarificationwanted for fouetté in passe position which START from front leg position (example of Delphine Ledoux) – is it necessary to close the position at the end or not?
💛 #clarificationwanted if the gymnast performs apparatus work at the end of the fouetté pivot with leg aside (already seated on flat foot)
5️⃣ Pivot with leg in split without help
💛 #clarificationwanted whether we should apply “with” or “without help” when the hand is assisting the leg to be in fixed position. It is not easy for the judges to define often if the arm is supporting the weight of the leg or not.
6️⃣ Pivots with change of shape
💚Reminder for the judges : we calculate the shapes only when we see visible shape. The transition between both shapes DOES NOT count within the total of rotations that we count.
💚 Reminder 2 : only one apparatus work is necessary during any shape performed
💚In case we see that a gymnast visibly tried the change of shape pivot, we cannot evaluate 2 separate BDs in case of heel support during transition
❤ #clarificationwanted in case the second shape is not complete – do TE judges apply the penalty for incomplete rotation?
7️⃣ Pivots with bending or stretching the support leg progressively
💚Reminder for the judges – we should see the leg position throughout the whole pivot
💚 #clarificationwanted on how well should the gymnast define both shapes (for example, Cossack position and leg front at the horizontal). Do we need to see just the clear shape or the shape should be shown for at least 360 degrees? Can the judges evaluate the “upper” part of the pivot in case the gymnast does not go low enough?
💚 #clarificationwanted on whether we can add +0.10 for specific pivots (like Staniuta pivot).
8️⃣ Deviation in shape
💛 We see lot’s of difference between evaluation of BD what concerns especially pivot with trunk at horizontal with ring (when the ring position is not closed), pivot in side scale (when the trunk is far from horizontal), pivot in arabesque and in attitude when the leg is fluctuating below horizontal level.
💛 #clarificationwanted to have more examples of medium and large deviations.
9️⃣ Penche rotation vs pivot with trunk at horizontal
💛 Advise for the coaches : please your gymnast must show VISIBLE releve so that the judges gave a clear rotation with trunk at horizontal (0,50) and not penche rotation (base 0,40).
🔟 Work during rotations
☑Unstable balance
💛From judging perspective we kindly ask coaches to check precisely that the gymnast was not grasping the ball or hoding it tight against the forearm. It is a 0,10 mistake so the BD may be valid, however, the judges are often put in situations of decision – if the ball is grasped in a way that there is no possibility to lose the ball or not.
💛We would like to propose to FIG to make a clarification on that for next COP so that “unstable” balance was only the one with hand high up with the ball lying on top of the hands surface.
☑Passing through the hoop
💛The coaches should pay attention when composing routines that at least 2 segments had the passing through DURING the rotation and not in preparation phase
💛#clarificationwanted from FIG on some discussed examples
☑Circles around the body
💛We have a specific apparatus work when the gymnast can hold the stick and the ribbon is making spiral-like circles around the body.
💛#clarificationwanted on how close to the body this spirals should be.