“Why do billionaires die so early... or the parkinsonism of modern medicine.”
“A fire broke out backstage in a theatre. The clown came out to warn the public; they thought it was a joke and applauded. He repeated it; the acclaim was even greater…”
More than 100 years have passed since the wreck of the Titanic, the most perfect achievement of mankind…
A lot has changed since then: transatlantic flights, space exploration, nuclear energy, mobile phones, echo sounders, rescue services and… super modern medicine. Just like before, we want unlimited prosperity, reliability, maximum comfort and a long happy life. But we still remain defenseless against the forces of nature: volcanoes, tsunamis, viruses, epidemics, diseases, ... - with endless questions: “if ...”, “who is to blame?” and “what shall we do?”.
Meanwhile, at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean, the symbol of power and reliability embodied in metal, the symbol of security and prosperity for the elite, the unsinkable Titanic, is decomposing. When the Titanic hit the iceberg, millionaire John Jacob Astor IV was on board. The money in his accounts was enough to build 30 of these "Titanics".
…in the spring of 1909, a huge iceberg broke off from the Greenland glacier. There were 2,700 miles left before the meeting with the Titanic…
Danger. Modern sciences have one drawback: they are not ontological; they are not bound by a theory that generalizes them. This is quietly bypassed, or a single scientist is trying to “drag by the head and ears”: with theologians we obey ideology, with chemists – chemistry, with microbiologists – microbes, and now genes.
However, not a single Nobel laureate has solved globally a single problem of medicine (an existential problem of mankind). Each time, there is something like an anesthetic fed to a patient methodically, for a long time and expensively. Time and the palliative effect elapse, dysfunctions and doses of drugs accumulate, and throbbing pain and despair always get “back on track”.
Over the past 100 years, the number of fictional pathologies and the structures “serving” them has become huge and confusing. Their complex nomenclature and differentiation produce assortments and volumes of drugs, leaving no chance for the patient to understand, to choose.
And when the time “comes”, pain and despair push us into the hands of greed and crime, because the number of our misunderstandings and weaknesses, the desire to exploit them and cynicism has never left humanity. The method has been tested to perfection: polarizing emotion into two “irreconcilable” enemies – the devil and the savior. Here the diagnosis is the devil, and the doctor puts on the costume of the savior. Their symbiosis is insidious and uncompromising: “the more terrible the diagnosis, the more difficult and expensive the treatment.”
Sophistry, style and derivatives ensure clients for medicine and the sadness of early losses for each of us. And this is not a lapsus lingual; they are “clients” indeed, because modern medicine does not talk about full-fledged treatment at all.
Initiation. We, scientists (medicines), having “for some reasons” forgotten about objectivity, conforming and “dragging” arguments to fit trends (casuistry), rejecting the uncomfortable with the “authority” of institutions and titles, commonly hide our hide our failure behind a foggy veil of theological prejudices and uncertainties, such as: “rare gene mutations”, “natural ageing”, “programmable cell death”, “inevitable age-related dystrophic processes”, “autoimmune diseases”, mystic “sudden death syndrome” and “cancer cell” always evading “drugs” for some reasons.
It's time to admit: science does not know the causes of main pathologies, which means that there is no initial target for objectively honest research, results, and therefore there is no understanding of “what and how to treat.” And if so, then medicine, relying on speculation and profanity, cynically and irresponsibly feeds society with surrogates (poisons, palliatives and hope) – material and physical exhaustion – slyly hiding the misunderstanding of cause-and-effect relationships.
Listen. First, vitamins were discovered, after which everyone began to lack vitamins. Then minerals were discovered and everyone began to lack minerals. Then there were germs, syphilis, bad cholesterol, glycemic index, antioxidants, Hayflick number, telomers, DNA, and finally... genes (another “theological prejudice”)! And now, radiating sacred delight, science, and then medicine, together “converted to a new faith”, in a mass-group impulse, also persistently serving and demonizing another myth, excuse me, are “blaming” genes of everything, raising these vague ideas into the rank of the next truth (in fact, stopping in its search). And if this is done sincerely, then this is a clear sign of trouble.
As a result, this next scientific and religious mainstream will become another simulacrum and a deep disappointment. But the main thing is the incalculable pain of the experimental subjects: animals and people – the loss of life time and hopes of patients, societies, and civilization.
Hey, scientists! I’m obliged to inform you that there is also an atheistic, natural-scientific narrative, and not just a theological (religious) one! And genes so persistently demonized in the present have nothing to do with most diseases (hello to the experiments of Milgram and Asch).
Yes, we seem to have forgotten that man is a part of nature and the organism obeys its fundamental laws, which dispassionately dictate their integral imperative and methodically remind that “the sum of consequences cannot be greater than the cause”, sooner or later reducing all acquisitions and uncertainties to a single one – axiomatically harmonizing space (we used to call it evolution).
Evolution?! Take a closer look, billions of people, waiting for the promised miracle, gloomily floating in a stream of disappointments, with a sense of mournful inconsistency and despair of life passing by, burdened by the understanding of the finiteness and inability to correct it, in the end are forced to pour the remnants of their hopes (and hard-earned funds) into the sacrificial bowl of healthcare.
And behind all this, comes justice, humbly and quietly, already limping heavily, long forgotten by us.
And here, listening to the pain of experimental subjects, we, young scientists, heretics not yet biased, being at the forefront of the progressive part of society, not trusting superstitions and rumors, boldly ignoring the “pressure” of the crowd and analyzing what is happening with an inquisitive mind, directing our pure, intuitive gaze into the future, ask ourselves a rhetorical question: “what is it?”:
- is it a mistake of God and a false way of development of civilization?
- is it a “forced” blindness and mercantile cynicism of professionals of all stripes?
- or is it the Intention after all?
… where maliciously created fears: defaults, the next “ apocalypses” and advents, epidemics and diagnoses create and focus, driving blindly listening people into a raw “corner” of need. Since only poor, frightened, recklessly believing and “uneducated” crowd hates and fights, votes and acquires, allowing the sale of another stale batch of food, medicines, detergents, memorial candles, weapons, money supply and/or worse, a bloody ideological scenario (without the right to choose).
And here is the diagnosis. Since childhood, deprived of the opportunity to understand what is happening, we, seemingly believers, but already obsessed with the attributes of prosperity - consumers, “swallowing” surrogates and prejudices, live in an artificially created corridor of threats and hopes (a well-“sharpened” tool of manipulation), which almost leaves no chances for objective understanding. The key word is “Lead”! There is a goal-setting here; a method is laid here, which so carefully hides the reason from us.
This simulated ersatz of understanding of the world: the swing of uncertainty, duality, the pendulum of separation, confrontation and frustration keeps everyone in a special state. Let me remind you that in psychology this is called “Cognitive dissonance”, and in medicine, in an acute form, this is “Bipolar disorder”, “Schizophrenia”.
Schizophrenia. Our inexorable quest to become more free, independent of ideological, economic and political “swings” runs counter to the Olympic intention to conquer everyone and everything, prolonging our agonizing uncertainty into a chaos of misunderstanding, consumption, fears, illnesses, and hence addictions. And, contrary to the generally accepted idea, it only slightly depends on the personal, mental, physical, mental and... genetic characteristics of each person.
Do you still believe in free will?!
Will. Just by stopping and taking a step aside (“getting out of a vicious circle”) by changing your attitude (responsibility) towards yourself and the environment, having looked deep into the problem, you can extend your life for decades, gain awareness, peace, daily joy and firm confidence in the future.
Let me remind you: there is no ethics in ignorance, and therefore no spirit! For only the spirit creates a form, filling it with content, what has a dimension – meaning!
But it seems that this “damn” “Stockholm Syndrome” still lives in each of us.
Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing.
By the way, monthly victorious reports on breakthroughs in treatment of stroke, cancer and diabetes... – these are just “tabloid” pathos, an attempt to hide inefficiency, to realize conjecture... – another lottery that a priori does not stand the test of time. Maybe that is why out of 10,000 candidate drugs studied initially, only one “reaches to” patients, with the effect of a mathematical error (small correlation from placebo), while easily sacrificing thousands of experimental animals (and then patients) to their empty conjectures. Is that really a fact?!
And by the way, the sources of our health (as well as society) have an objective, independent, expedient, holistic, coherent nature completely indifferent to a private desire or idea. Imperfect understanding of this stimulates mainstreams and misconceptions of societies recklessly listening to the knowledge of doctors and scientists as authoritative (deep), responsible, thereby dooming themselves to suffering, and nature and civilization to a new round of extinction. Just because a sick (and humiliated) body, with a paralyzed willpower, does not gain spirit, which means that there is no evolution there.
Inspiration (a gleam of hope). Yes, in this thriving theater of lies and absurd (the system of organized theft of life time), someone who is simple-heartedly funny, but who cares a lot about \the fate of the world, “warns” by asking a diagnosis question to science and medicine itself. A question capable of abolishing (“nullifying”) 80% of their crafty attempts and maintenance costs: “How to cure an erythrocyte?”- the main “carrier” (of oxygen, source of acute phase proteins, blood toxicity, thrombosis, ..., loss of immunity, disability, and life?!
Since it is clear even to me, a ridiculously “feeble” physiologist, that without neural regulation and the expression of capable blood, all talk about health, immunity and capable longevity is meaningless. Since the depletion of some tissues (physiological functions) weakens others, creating a funnel of multiple organ dysfunctions (comorbidities). Where the extremely weakened tissue of organs (blood, blood vessels, skin, liver, kidneys or brain...) is just biding its time (trigger) – another provocation (virus, microbe, overeating, starvation, draft, affect, scratch, mosquito bite, vaccine or just pills for headache), snapping destruction into a tailspin (into the sludge phenomenon, a stroke, heart attack, cytokine storm, anaphylactic shock, epidemic, spasm, ...) – a spasm of medicine and society. And then, only the “habitual” things: throbbing pain, physical and material exhaustion, despair... the frequency of social breakdowns, crises and wars.
The inductive argument is also obvious and simple: if a cell (organ) is not serviced, then its internal processes are disturbed (parabiosis) - “telomers are shortened”, the Hayflick limit occurs, mitochondria, DNA, and genes mutate, the Krebs cycle stops, the synthesis of ATP molecules and cellular respiration, receptor response and immunity ceases – the cell quickly dies (apoptosis, necrosis). But for all “this”, in different years, Nobel Prizes were received and “for some reason” thousands of dissertations were written.
…the same rhetorical question to science sounds in unison, about the mainstream of genetic research: what’s the point to demonize, study and produce (while wasting time and money) RNA-, DNA- and genes-based drugs (“penetrate into” a cell), if the unattended cell does not percept (does not perceive) and does not express its functions, and, accordingly, any intracellular transformations (guesses and ideas), due to the “absence” of the cell in the process of this life formation.
Silence will be their answer.
Well, the glove is thrown down!!!
No one relieves the patient of responsibility when he is “procrastinating” and the pathology goes to the extreme. And here the main (still unsolvable) problem of medicine turns out to be true – its reactionary nature, because an appeal to a doctor often occurs after a breakdown in the terminal stage. And it requires maximum honesty, understanding, time and patience from everyone, which they don’t have a priori. And, given the real trends (growth in the number of “clients”), there will never be real treatment, or every second person on the planet will become a doctor (which no budget can withstand).
A clear example of the confusion of modern medicine.
I mean that while Elon Musk promises us a Martian paradise, science serving pharmaceutical companies methodically produces “tabloid” pathos (and drug names). Medicine, while blackmailing budgets, is actively suffocating from the virus (looking at its mutations with horror), and social institutions have cringed from a paralyzing spasm - we all, detachedly “believing” in this theatrical performance, with our solipsism and tolerance, cultivate a lack of willpower to objectivity – uncontrolled social entropy. Where, sooner or later, a banal accident will “break” the already permanent instability of our “wonderful world” and will demolish civilization like a tsunami. This will be our greatest retribution and chronological responsibility for “surrendering in the face of the absurd”, for the recklessly crafty justification of “faith” – we will all be blamed for this.
We all (science), for the sake of ourselves and the future, must stop and, remembering justice and objectivity, reconsider all “this”, because retreat does not mean losing, it means being ready to jump, since the problem of human health is even before the cell!
I am sure that the best solution for everyone – an alternative – will be an objective understanding of the origins of diseases and paradigm shift, rather than an enthusiastic replication and differentiation of “difficult to pronounce” symptoms and drug consumption. Only clear stratification of the causes and technologization of prevention measures will ensure the impossibility of a person falling into the terminal stage, which means that he will have a viable longevity. It will be a digital “guardian angel”, and it will be justifiably believed!
Step to longevity. Now, as an ontological message to science (society), I postulate a thought that needs to be used as a prerequisite for perception (as a method): we feel (“see”) time linearly, and the body cyclically. Here space and time are not identical, classifications are conditional, and subjectivity influences objectivity. And a priori deterministic processes, not perceived by the observer from the outside, “flow” in different directions and at different speeds. Where each “participant” (proton, protein, cell, organ, thought, event, property...), capturing its factor and time, reflecting and resisting to varying degrees, recursively launches a cascade of positive and negative scenarios (resonances, effects, affects, cumulative potentials, immunity) – recovery or not.
Yes, this is a new vision, knowledge and experience that will challenge the scientific community and will be a “crash test” of world medicine. A new incentive for research, treatment regimens and algorithms (preventively eliminating the causes of major pathologies) – a new life condition that preserves population immunity, economies, ecology, nature – an impulse and resource base for the growth of civilization.
…out of the cold icicles of the crafty indifference of everyone, a glass block of cold and ice is built, a huge iceberg that floats towards ... a danger that no one wanted to believe in until it was too late.
We are talking about competencies, about priorities, about private and common responsibility, for the future of everyone and the world, because each of us, from the layman to the king, from the scientist to the doctor, from the billionaire to the ..., forget the irony of life – sooner or later everyone becomes a patient.
Presentation of the project Preventive medicine of the future (youtube.com)