More Things
September 27

Image Reverse Search


Searching for something by text or sentence is easy to do in all browser apps, but what if you want to search for an images? What tools are needed to perform an image search? Of course it's Image Reverse Search, but this is not an app, it's a Telegram bot.

Yes it's a bot, with no ads, no tokens, no paid contents is needed to use this bot. So are you interested to try it? Or maybe you really need it? Here we go.

Table of Contents

  • How to use
  • Perfect
  • Alternative Apps
  • Search Images Now

How to use this bot?

It's so simple, send an image to the bot and then the bot will generate some links of 9 websites provider that maybe have an image you're looking for just in a second.

That's it?

Yea right? It's too easy even for a kid.I recommend you to use Yandex for best result to what you're looking for.


This bot is really suits you if you're looking for some anime characters but you don't know who's name is it, so with this bot you can search the image from website image sources and finds their names.

Are you looking for a movie name from an image? Yes you can do that using this bot. Or are you not satisfied with this bot and prefer to use an app than bot or maybe you don't have an Telegram account so you can't use this bot. I have an alternative about it.

Alternative Apps
I have two apps that you might wanna try.The first one is Reverse Image Search.

Reverse Image Search
I once using this app for almost a year but in recent updates, this app becomes very slow when searching for images, containing ads, and only 4 websites provider is available.

Search by Image
This one is just the same like Reverse Image Search but more faster, containing ads, and only 4 websites provider is available.

So yea, the bot is more better. go create a Telegram account and use the bot!

Search Images Now ->
