Rooting Mode
July 29, 2024

Installing Magisk and Lsposed




  1. download Magisk flashable file
  2. go to your custom recovery
  3. flash magisk flashable file that you already downloaded
  4. reboot system and all done

Install Magisk Modules

  1. open Magisk app
  2. go to Modules menu
  3. click Install from storage
  4. find the module file and click on it
  5. reboot system and all done


  1. download Lsposed module file (i recommend you to use Lsposed Mod)
  2. install module file in Magisk app
  3. don't forget to enable Zygisk service on settings
  4. reboot system
  5. open your notification and click Lsposed notification to open the app
  6. done

Install Lsposed Modules

  1. install apk modules
  2. open Lsposed app or shell
  3. go to Modules menu
  4. enable the module app that you installed
  5. checks on the app that has Recommended tag (if there's nothing Recommended tag on all apps, find in the module source what you need to enable in Modules menu)
  6. reboot and done

Also read How to Flashing ROMs

Are you confused about this guides? you can ask me directly on telegram, lildavegoth