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July 31, 2024

Auto Tasks


In this feature, you can do automatic task to do actions such as:

  • Delete
  • Copy
  • Move
  • Archive (compress folders)
  • Execute (i suggest you to not using this feature if you're not understand, cause i don't understand either)
  • Sync (sync files on both storages)

How to use

  1. open settings and click AUTO TASKS
  2. input the name of your own auto task
  3. choose what actions do you want
  4. input the folder/file path or click on arrow button on the right to move/copy from
  5. input the folder/file path or click on arrow button on the right to move/copy to
  6. Trigger on completion of, this options is for task to run after the first task is run then the second task will automatically run
  7. Trigger at, you can freely to choose the time when the tasks will run (cannot be set in backwards)
  8. Interval, when the tasks do you want to repeat?
    • Once
    • Daily
    • Every 12 Hours
    • Every Hours
    • Every 30 Minutes
    • Every 15 Minutes
    • Weekly
    • Monthly


checks options

  • Only on Wi-Fi: The tasks will only run when you has connected to wifi
  • Only on Charging: The tasks will only run when your device is connected to a charger
  • Create Shortcut: Create a shortcut to homescreen so you can run tasks manually