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July 31, 2024
Auto Tasks
In this feature, you can do automatic task to do actions such as:
- Delete
- Copy
- Move
- Archive (compress folders)
- Execute (i suggest you to not using this feature if you're not understand, cause i don't understand either)
- Sync (sync files on both storages)
How to use
- open settings and click AUTO TASKS
- input the name of your own auto task
- choose what actions do you want
- input the folder/file path or click on arrow button on the right to move/copy from
- input the folder/file path or click on arrow button on the right to move/copy to
- Trigger on completion of, this options is for task to run after the first task is run then the second task will automatically run
- Trigger at, you can freely to choose the time when the tasks will run (cannot be set in backwards)
- Interval, when the tasks do you want to repeat?
- Only on Wi-Fi: The tasks will only run when you has connected to wifi
- Only on Charging: The tasks will only run when your device is connected to a charger
- Create Shortcut: Create a shortcut to homescreen so you can run tasks manually