April 25, 2024

🐻RebornGrizzliesVKREG customisation manual. 🐻

🐻RebornGrizzliesVKREG customisation manual. 🐻

1. Download and unpack the archive with the software and unpack it into a directory convenient for you.

2. Open the file from the folder with the program called "RebornGrizzliesVKREG.exe".

❗️ NOTE: It is recommended to turn off your antivirus before starting, as its firewall can block outgoing traffic. ❗️

Folder with the program, after unpacking.

3. We are waiting for the full download, and when the "Enter license data" window or fields for entering the login and password appears, enter the login and password.

License data input window.

After entering the login and password, the program interface will be opened, followed by instructions for filling in the settings.

Window "Main"


  • Mode of operations:

Auto-registrant - registers accounts.

Auto-defrosting the spam block - defrosts accounts.

Autochecker by ID - checks accounts for validity/ban.

  • Registration mode - through what accounts will be registered, through the official website vk.com, general VK ID system, mobile API.
  • Type of token unloading from the account - (WEB token, API token, Android App token).
  • Account saving format - the format in which your accounts will be saved after registration.
  • The way to save the results is the place where the registration results will be saved.
  • Delay between the start of threads (sec) - the delay between the start of threads in turn in seconds.
  • Delay between account registration (sec) - delay between account registration in turn in seconds.
  • Using Bypassing and receiving a token has a bad effect on the survivability of accounts, but if ON, the software will receive a token from the account.
  • How many accounts to register - how many accounts the software will register.
  • Number of threads - the number of threads to be launched.

🐻Account Settings

  • Account Name and Surname - you can specify your version of first and last name, but you can generate them in the same program.
  • Account age - what age will be specified in the account.
  • Account filling type - you can choose what you want to upload or install into your account (avatar, posts, status, privacy, etc.).
  • Password type - what password the account will have, you can specify your own or use the built-in generation.
  • Password length - if you have selected built-in generation, you need to specify the length of the password to be generated.
  • Gender of the account - what will be the gender of the account (male/female).

🐻Warm-up settings

  • Warm-up mode (yes/no) - use warm-up mode or no.
  • Warm-up type [news feed] - you can enable adding recommended friends and likesing recommended posts.
  • Number of friends added - the number of people whose account will add as friends.
  • Number of likes - how many likes the account will put on recommended posts.
  • Exclude from the news feed [object type] - what types of objects to exclude from the news feed.

🐻Captcha settings

  • Captcha solution service - which service to choose for a captcha solution.
  • Quality of the solution - what type of solution to choose (economical or accurate).
  • Server URL - you must specify the server URL of the selected service by captcha solution, for example: "rucaptcha.com".
  • The API key of the captcha service is your API key, which can be copied in your personal account.

Where can I find the API key?

🐻Telegram Settings

  • Notification after registration in Telegram (yes/no) - whether the bot will notify you about each registered account in Telegram.
  • Control via Telegram bot (yes/no) - is it possible to control the program from the Telegram bot.
  • TOKEN bot is a token of your bot in Telegram. How to get it can be found here: https://tgfaq.ru/chto-takoe-token-bota.html.
  • User ID - enter your ID, you can get it in this bot: https://t.me/myidbot.

🐻Auto-Fill Settings

  • LZT market setup manual - https://zelenka.guru/threads/3826199/? Pget=1
  • The LZT API token is your personal market token.
  • Enter the name of the product (RU) - example "VK Authorisation".
  • Enter the product description (RU) - example "Autoreg VK {with posts|without posts|with avatar|without avatar}".
  • Enter the price for one unit of goods - your account price.
  • Currency type - select the currency for which your product will be sold.
  • Type of origin - if autoreg, then "autoreg|Autoreg", etc.
  • Warranty type - how much the goods will be under warranty.
  • Category type.
  • Allow users to ask for a discount for goods - yes/no
  • Delay before Auto-fill - enter the number in seconds.

🐻SMS settings

  • Mode of getting a number - where to get numbers from the service or from the list of your numbers.
  • SMS services - a list of SMS services in which you need to select the service you need.
  • API key - your API key, which is in your personal account.
  • Country code - specify the country code.
  • Check the number for registration availability (yes/no) - the program will check whether the account is registered or not.
  • Operator - yes/no, NOT ALL SMS SERVICES ARE SUPPORTED!!!
  • Max. price per room - specify the maximum price of the room.
  • If there are not enough funds on the balance - Sleep N minutes/Finish work.
  • Sleep with insufficient balance - specify in minutes.
  • If there are no numbers - do not shut down the reger - if the numbers are over, the program will wait for new numbers to be replenished.
  • If a call is sent instead of a code - what to do? - wait for the possibility of sending an SMS code or change the number.
  • Expect numbers if their number is insufficient (seconds) - if there are not enough numbers, the program will wait for replenishment in seconds.
  • Expect the code within (sec) - how much the program can expect the code.
  • Waiting when checking for the received code every (second) - waiting when checking for the received code every specified seconds.
  • The number of attempts to send the code if it did not come - how many times the code will be sent if it did not come.
  • Number of attempts to cancel the number if it didn't fit - how many attempts to cancel if it didn't fit.
  • If the number of allowable requests N is exceeded, restart - if the number of valid requests is exceeded, the software will restart.
  • Check numbers for a valid prefix (yes/no) - the program checks numbers for a valid prefix.
  • Check numbers for an invalid prefix (yes/no) - the program checks numbers for an invalid prefix.

🐻HTTP settings

  • User-Agent type - use your User-Agent list or built-in.
  • Device type - what type of device to use (Desktop, Mobile, random)
  • HTTP client type - HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2.0
  • Type Title - New/Old.

🐻Proxy settings

  • Proxy protocol - what protocol does your proxy have (http, socks5, or auto-detection)
  • Proxy format is the format of your proxies.
  • Proxy file - the path to the file with the extension ".txt" in which your Proxy is located.
  • How many accounts to register on 1 Proxy - how many accounts will the program register on one Proxy.
  • Auto-update Proxy (yes/no) - depending on your Proxy.
  • Check Proxy for validity (yes/no) - the program will check your Proxy for validity.
  • Additional Proxy for SMS services (yes/no) - list with Proxy for SMS services, specify the path to it below.
  • Additional Proxy to check numbers for availability - with this proxy, the software will check numbers for availability.
  • Delete the Proxy that Flood Controle caught - will delete if the proxy gets Flood Control due to too frequent requests.
  • Change Proxy when changing the number - yes/no.
  • Ignore the response status when checking Proxy - yes/no.
  • Time Out is a break in seconds that the program takes when switching from one streaming block to another.
  • Error limit - the number of errors allowed.

🐻Additional settings

  • Full logging mode (yes/no) - all information will be displayed in the log.
  • Advanced emulation mode is a feature that allows the user to work with a program or application as if they were running on a different type of computer or operating system. This allows the user to test the software on different platforms, as well as debug and fix problems.
  • Sound notification when completing account registration - when completing account registration, the program will turn on a sound notification, the path to which you can specify below, you can also specify the volume of the notification.
  • Check the Internet connection before starting - the program will check the Internet connection before launching it.
  • Check the balance of the SMS service periodically - the program will check the balance of the SMS service with a certain frequency.

Our TG channel: https://t.me/reborn_shark_channel

Our chat: https://t.me/reborn_grizzlies_chat

Support: https://t.me/VenomShark
