October 27, 2024

📋Quai Mining, light Guide for HiveOS

You can mine test tokens by renting GPUs. Register a new Clore account and support: 💙Clore

1. Install components in HiveOS

Register on HiveOS, your support: 💙HiveOn

apt install git make g++ -y

#️⃣Install GLIBC >=2.34:
apt update && echo "deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list && apt update && apt install unzip g++ gcc g++-11 -y && apt install libc6 -y && sed -i '/deb http:\/\/cz.archive.ubuntu.com\/ubuntu jammy main/d' /etc/apt/sources.list && apt update

#️⃣Check GLIBC version:
ldd --version | head -n1

#️⃣Install Go:
wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.21.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz && echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc && apt update

#️⃣Check Go version:
go version

2. Install the node, using your Quai and QI addresses from the Pelagus wallet

Install the Pelagus wallet; see here for how to copy addresses: Pelagus Instructions

Token mining priority values --node.miner-preference '1', for Quai and QI; see here: Mining Preferences

#️⃣Install the node:
git clone https://github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai && cd go-quai && git checkout v0.39.0 && make go-quai && ./build/bin/go-quai start --node.slices '[0 0]' --node.quai-coinbases '0x00025bf3e76e4aE6Aa5D1fd5B1e15aB4fB9cEAeA' --node.qi-coinbases '0x00AC79D2cDedb4182C2DD0f9bb91a15472FFE1fA' --node.genesis-nonce 6224362036655375007 --node.miner-preference '1'

#️⃣Stop the node after synchronization starts:

#️⃣Start the database update for the node:
cd ~/hive && wget https://storage.googleapis.com/colosseum-db/goldenage_backups/quai-goldenage-backup.tgz && rm -rf ~/.local/share/go-quai && tar -xvf quai-goldenage-backup.tgz && cp -r quai-goldenage-backup ~/.local/share/go-quai

#️⃣Start a session for the node:
screen -S node

#️⃣Start the node:
cd go-quai && ./build/bin/go-quai start --node.slices '[0 0]' --node.quai-coinbases '0x00025bf3e76e4aE6Aa5D1fd5B1e15aB4fB9cEAeA' --node.qi-coinbases '0x00AC79D2cDedb4182C2DD0f9bb91a15472FFE1fA' --node.genesis-nonce 6224362036655375007 --node.miner-preference '1'

#️⃣If you encounter the error "Fatal: Error starting protocol stack: listen tcp bind: address already in use," stop it with:
pkill -9 go-quai

Node synchronization

3. Start the proxy

Switch to another session with Ctrl+A, then D

#️⃣Start the proxy session:
screen -S proxy

#️⃣Start the proxy:
cd ~/hive && git clone https://github.com/dominant-strategies/go-quai-stratum && cd go-quai-stratum && git checkout v0.16.0 && cp config/config.example.json config/config.json && make go-quai-stratum && ./build/bin/go-quai-stratum --region=cyprus --zone=cyprus1

Proxy synchronization

4. Once the node is synchronized, start the flight sheet

Instructions: Flight Sheet Instructions

  • Miner name: quai-gpu-miner
  • Installation URL: https://github.com/dominant-strategies/quai-gpu-miner/releases/download/v0.2.0/quai-gpu-miner-v0.2.0.tar.gz
  • Hash algorithm: Progpow
  • Wallet and worker template: %WAL%.%WORKER_NAME%
  • Pool URL: stratum://localhost:3333
  • Extra config arguments: -U --HWMON 1 -P stratum://localhost:3333
Flight Sheet

Quick Reference

#️⃣To update to version v0.39.0:
git fetch --all
git checkout v0.39.0
make go-quai

#️⃣Check fork version:
git status

#️⃣To find the internal IP address:
ip addr show

#️⃣To find the external IP address:
curl ifconfig.me

#️⃣Check IP accessibility: YouGetSignal Port Checker

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