253.7nm germicidal lamp intensity test
In the Wuhan area where the epidemic is severe, and in designated hospitals where other patients gather, ensuring the stability and standards of UV lamp irradiation is of great practical significance for ensuring the health of the people and stabilizing the epidemic. The measuring instrument we must use is an ultraviolet irradiance meter, because the irradiance value of the ultraviolet lamp is in nanometers, and it is a wrong way to observe its brightness by naked eyes, so it is impossible to correctly evaluate the use of the lamp. Different levels of ultraviolet radiation will affect the effect of killing pathogens, and it is also not conducive to the smooth work of medical staff.
Generally speaking, among the ultraviolet disinfection lamps used in all walks of life, the most commonly used is the UV-C model. Their common working principle is to use the powerful energy of different wavelengths of ultraviolet to kill germs. Regarding the currently popular new coronavirus, the UV-C model ultraviolet disinfection lamp has a wavelength of 253.7nm, which has the most obvious killing effect and can be applied to a variety of scenarios and occasions.
The UV meter is a high-precision, wide-range ultraviolet intensity value measuring instrument. Its function is to help quality inspectors calibrate and replace the UV lamp. In the current winter when the epidemic situation is tight and the ambient temperature is low, the UV meter can automatically compensate for the temperature and ensure the accuracy and stability of the data. In terms of measurement, its sensitivity is very high, and it is also convenient for the hospital's inspectors to work extremely efficiently.
The new type of coronavirus is coming fiercely, is ultraviolet light a good way to kill it? The answer is self-evident, and of course it is yes. As for the specific killing situation, it is necessary for our medical institution technicians to cooperate with professional testing equipment-ultraviolet radiation illuminance meter to conduct standardized testing and standardized application of ultraviolet lamps.