Flyer killer uv intensity test
UV intensity tester used in fly killer
Abstract: The fly-killing lamp is mainly used to kill mosquitoes. The text mainly talks about what is a fly-killing lamp, why is it necessary to use an ultraviolet light meter to detect the fly-killing lamp, and the ultraviolet light meter to detect the fly-killing lamp.
Fly killers are used by more and more people in killing mosquitoes. So how to better use the fly lamp to kill mosquitoes, this article will take you to better understand.
1. What is a fly lamp
The fly-killing lamp mainly has the effect of killing mosquitoes and flies. It mainly uses the special ultraviolet band to attract mosquitoes, and then kill the mosquitoes and flies by electric shock or stick trap. The fly killer mainly uses ultraviolet rays in the UVA band. The ultraviolet rays in the UVA band are also called black light. The usual wavelength range is 320-400nm. Ultraviolet rays in this band are more attractive to mosquitoes. High-voltage electric grids or fly paper are usually installed around the fly-killing lamp. When mosquitoes approach the fly-killing lamp, they will be directly electrocuted to death or stick to death.
2. Why use UV intensity tester to detect fly-killing lamps
Fly killers usually use LED ultraviolet rays (365nm commonly used) in the UVA band of 320-400 nanometers. This band of ultraviolet rays is often called an optical trap that attracts phototaxis. It is very attractive to mosquitoes. So in the process of killing flies with the fly-killing lamp. Trapping mosquitoes has become very important, and the process of trapping mosquitoes is not only related to the wavelength of ultraviolet light. It also has a great relationship with the energy intensity value of ultraviolet rays. UV intensity tester is usually used for detection, because the energy value of ultraviolet light source can attract more mosquitoes when the energy value of the ultraviolet light source reaches the standard under the same wave band, while the attraction of the fly killer with attenuated light source to mosquitoes is relatively small.