February 1, 2021

How to recover deleted Sbcglobal email account?

Recover deleted Sbcglobal email account

Sbcglobal is one of the best Email service provider used by millions of people all around the world. But there are many situations when the user end up forgetting the password so in that case the only option left is to recover the account. Follow the below steps in order to recover the account if you do not know the process.

How to recover deleted Sbcglobal email account?

Below are all the ways by which user can easily recover the SBCglobal Email account in very simple and easy way.

  • First open the browser then go to the official website of SBCgobal account in your device
  • Then user need to enter the Email address associated with your account then in the password area click on forgot password option
  • Now on the screen, various option for recovering the account will appear on the screen, choose the recovery option best suitable to you
  • In save you have chosen the option of alternate email address to recover the password then the verification code will be sent on your email address
  • Note the verification code and enter it in the box provided on the screen in order to click on continue.
  • As soon you will click on continue, password recovery page will appear on the screen, generate the password and enter it two times in the box provided in order to save all the changes.
  • When changes will be saved, you can then login with new password easily.

These were all the ways by which you can easily recover the SBCglobal account, if still there is any kind of hassle in Sbcglobal Account Recovery, then do not hesitate to dial the customer care representative number and speak to the representative. They will try to help you in the bets way possible in very short period of span.