February 9, 2023

Обзор на Talks on Prout

Оригинал был опубликован в телеграм канале: https://t.me/manavendra_ch/32 (18 января 2023)
Я прочитал книгу П.Р. Сарскар, Talks on Prout (July 1961, Ranchi)

Хорошая книга, даёт хорошее понимание Праут в целом. Объём 8к слов.
Я ещё раз убедился, что начинать изучать Праут лучше всего с этих 4 дискурсов: Problems of the day, Discourses on Prout, Talks on Prout, 16 sutras (5 Chapter Ananda Sutram).

В книге затрагивается несколько тем.
В начале П.Р. Саркар рассказывает, что сущестует два вида знания: интеллектуальное и интуитивное. Интеллектуальное основано на внешнем опыте, когда интуитивное на внутреннем трансцедентном. Это интутивное знание можно воплотить и применять во благо в мирской сфере. Праут - это красивое смешение интеллектуального и интуитивного знания.
Затем раскрывается природа капитализма, рабочих споров, правила наследства, мировое правительство, языки, письменность, культура, система образования, про будущее, про садвипр и 5 фундаментальных принципа Праут. Дается определение садвипре.

Я очень рекомендую эту книгу. Я хочу, чтобы наше сообщество понимало миссию нашего Гуру на этой планете.

Оглавление можно посмотреть здесь: https://teletype.in/@manavendra/content-talks-on-prout

1. In the capitalist structure, industry or production is governed by the profit motive, but in the Proutistic structure production will be governed by the motive of consumption.

2. Regarding cooperatives, we must not forget that cooperatives only function properly under a strong government. They cannot function under a weak democratic structure. Before starting cooperatives a psychological environment has to be created. In the Proutistic structure rationalization means less labour, more leisure and more comfort.

3. Sadvipras and moralists are not synonymous. Sádhakas or spiritual aspirants who control the nucleus of the social order are called Sadvipras. Sadvipras will control the nucleus and check exploitation by one class over others. If necessary they may accelerate the speed of the social cycle by the application of tremendous force and bring revolution. By a normal process, when Vaeshya domination exploits the other classes in society, Sadvipras will bring about revolution in the social order and establish Kśatriya domination.

4. Even after the establishment of a universal government we will require military and police forces for maintaining peace.

5. It is a general instinct in human beings to create something. Inspired by this instinct, people create new things, make new inventions and undertake research. It is out of this creative urge that human beings produce children. This creative urge, when utilized for realizing the Macrocosm or the Cosmic Mind within the self, is called prema or love. This realization is achieved through spiritual practice or sádhaná. Otherwise the creative instinct is called kama or sexual impulse. An important fraction of this creative urge is wasted in producing children. When laboratory babes are produced and the reproductive power of human beings is snatched away by Prakrti, the surplus creative urge can be diverted to the creation of good things, resulting in better discoveries, better inventions and better pursuits of life. This aspect of utilization has never been conceived of before. Never before has anyone thought of the enormous all-round potentiality of human beings. PROUT is therefore a new theory.

6. Educationalists should also control the radio, otherwise the party in power will have the opportunity to propagate their ism through the radio system, just as they do in the books approved by university boards.

7. It is possible to make people conscious of Proutistic ideas in a democracy. This consciousness will have a repercussion in elections. Even before elections are held this consciousness may launch a revolution to change the social order.