How TO Fix Gmail Not Syncing On Outlook Mail?
Are you currently unable to sync the Gmail account on the outlook mail application? When Outlook won’t connect to the Gmail account. It will show you one of the following errors.
3. Authentication problem with the yellow mark.
To fix these type of errors, you have to make certain changes into the account settings on the GMial and outlook application. here are the complete guide For that.
What to do when Outlook application won’t sync to the Gmail account?
Check the login details-
If outlook is showing authentication or Syncing error For Gmail account, you need to check the login details for the user account. make sure that the password is up to date on your account. if the password is incorrect, you need to update that by going into the account settings on the outlook mail.
Update the incoming and outgoing servers-
If your password is correct but it keeps showing you the syncing error on the outlook application. you need to check the incoming/outgoing server settings. There are high chances of invalid server settings. that’s why it won’t connect to the outlook mail server. so you need to delete the mail server and then re-add the mail account again.
In case, if you don’t know what is the valid Gmail settings. here are those.
Once you will activate the account with these settings, your email account email account will start working fine. in case, if that does not work, you need to remove the current account.
Check that the Outlook application is not blocked by the Gmail –
If the information is correct but still Outlook won’t connect the Gmail account yet. You need to go to the google security settings, and enable the third party application access for the outlook mail application.
Remove and then re-add the mail account-
If you have tried these steps but that doesn’t help, you need to remove the current outlook account from the mail application and then re-add it again. it will start working fine for you then.