July 2, 2023

Boots Booties

Online business for sale Boots Booties.

Key Highlights

  • The domain is old, so it has a priority to show on the first pages in google.
  • one page checkout is enabled.
  • The store contains 374 products, which is an effort of long months.
  • The shoe business is amazing because everybody buys shoes, so you will find customers all the time, in every season.

Website: https://bootsbooties.com

Business Overview

Boots Booties promotes their products using Google Shopping ads.

The best season for the industry is the last 4 months of the year, but as the footwear industry has a very strong strength point, there will be new customers every day.


Customers are based in the United States, and most of them are women over the age of 40. And the store has a lot of repeat customers who made more than one purchase.

Monthly Profit is 7,221$.

Site Age is 3 years.

Page Views are 39,871 per month.

Revenue and Traffic verified by Shopify, Stripe, Pay Pal and Google Analytics.

Asking price is 50,000$.