May 22, 2020

Majhul nisbatning zamonlarda qo'llanishi

▪️ Ingliz tilida deyarli barcha zamonlarda majhul nisbatdagi gapni hosil qilishimiz mumkin. Oldingi darsda ta'kidlab oʻtilganidek, majhul nisbatdagi gaplarda zamonga va shaxslarga qarab oʻzgaradigan qism to be fe'li hisoblanadi:

1. Present simple tense: Ega+ am/is/are + V3(ed)
🔸The plants are watered every week. (Gullar har hafta sug'oriladi.)
🔸Jack is not often invited to the parties. (Jek ziyofatlarga tez-tez taklif qilinmaydi.)
🔸She is looked after by her grandparents.

2. Past simple tense: Ega+ was/were + V3(ed)
🔸The plants were watered last week. (Gullar o'tgan hafta sug'orildi)
🔸I was told to wait in the hall. (Menga zalda kutib turish aytildi.)
🔸She was brought up by her grandparents.

3. Future simple tense: Ega + will be + V3(ed)
🔸The plants will be watered next week. (Gullar keyingi hafta sug'oriladi)
🔸The students will be examined next week. (Talabalar keyingi hafta imtihon qilinadi.)
🔸This book will be published in a few days.

4. Present continuous: Ega + am/is/are being + V3(ed)
🔸The plants are being watered now. (Gullar ayni paytda sug'orilyapti)
🔸The students are being examined at the moment. (Talabalar hozir imtihon qilinmoqdalar.)
🔸A famous pop-singer is being interviewed at the moment.

5. Past continuous tense: Ega+was/were being+ V3(ed)
🔸The plants were being watered at this time yesterday. (Gullar sug'orilayotgan edi)
🔸There was an explosion when the experiment was being carried out. (Tajriba oʻtkazilayotganda portlash sodir boʻldi.)
🔸She was being questioned at the police station.

6. Present perfect tense: Ega + have/has been + V3(ed)
🔸The plants have just been watered. (Gullar hozirgina sug'orildi)
🔸All the questions have been answered. (Hamma savollarga javob berildi.)
🔸They have been invited to the party.

7. Past Perfect simple tense: Ega + had been + V3(ed)
🔸The plants had been watered. (Gullar sug'orilgan edi)
🔸He had been asked some questions before the police came.
🔸The doctor had been sent for when Tom arrived.

8. Future perfect tense: Ega +will have been + V3(ed)
🔸The plants will have been watered. (Gullar sug'orilgan bo'ladi)
🔸The letters will have been typed by the time the manager comes.
🔸We will have been examined four times by the end of the year.

9. going to: Ega+am (is, are) going to + be + V3(ed)
🔸The plants are going to be watered.
🔸The concert is going to be conducted by a famous artist.

✅ Advanced Grammar in Use (Martin Hewings) kitobida majhul nisbatda juda kam qoʻllaniladigan yana bir zamon berilgan bu - Present Perfect Continuous zamonidir.

10. Present Perfect Continuous tense: Ega+have/has been being + V3(ed)
🔸John has been telling me for ages that you are leaving. (active voice)
🔸I have been being told (by John) for ages that you are leaving. (passive voice)

Muallif: Khamdambek Atajanov

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