Shart ergash gaplar uchun yakuniy xulosalar
1. Ingliz tilida shart ergash gaplarni unless/ providing/ supposing that/ so long as / as long as bog’lovchilari bilan ham ifodalash mumkin.
▫️ unless - agar –masa ▫️ providing/provided (that) --gan holdagina ▫️supposing (that) - faraz qiling, mabodo
▫️so long as/as long as - toki
🔸Unless you study hard, you won’t be able to pass the exam. (Agar qattiq oʻqimasangiz, imtihondan o'tolmaysiz)
🔸Children under 12 can swim in the pool provided that they are accompanied by parents.
🔸You can drive my car as long as you drive carefully. (Toki ehtiyot bo'lib haydar ekansiz, mening mashinamni haydashingiz mumkin)
2. if qatnashgan gap va wish gaplarning noreal vaziyatlar uchun qoʻllanishidan kelib chiqqan holda shuni esdan chiqarmaslik kerakki, hamma noreal vaziyatlar haqiqatda boshqacha, ya'ni teskarisi boʻladi.
🔸I wish I had an umbrella now. (=but I haven't an umbrella now...lekin mening zontim yoʻq).
🔸If he were here now, he would show us the city. (=He isn't here and he can't show us the city).
🔸If he had come to the party, I would have been glad. (= but he didn't come to the party).
3. Agar if qatnashgan gaplarda should, had yoki were fe'llari qatnashsa, gap boshida kelgan if bog'lovchisini tushirib qoldirishimiz mumkin. Bunday hollarda should, had va were koʻmakchi fe'llaridan biri egadan oldinga chiqadi, ya'ni inversiya holati yuz beradi. Bu holat asosan rasmiy va adabiy ingliz tilida uchraydi.
🔸Should any of this cost you anything, send me the bill. (=If any of this should cost...)
🔸It would be embarrassing, were she to find out the truth. (=if she were to find out...).
🔸 Had they not rushed Dan to hospital, he would have died. (=If they hadn't rushed Dan...)
3. If it hadn't been/was/were not for + ot qurilmasi asosiy gapdagi holat biror-bir vaziyatga yoki shaxsga bog'liq boʻlib qolganda qoʻllaniladi.
🔸If it wasn't/weren't for Vivian, the conference wouldn't be going ahead. (Agar Vivian boʻlmasa, konferensiya davom etmayotgan boʻlardi.)
🔸If it hadn't been for my parents, I would never have gone to university. (Agar ota-onam boʻlmaganida, men hech qachon universitetga kirolmagan boʻlardim.)
⚠️Bu qurilmani biz rasmiy va adabiy ingliz tilida Were it not for Vivian... va Had it not been for my parents... shaklida ham qoʻllashimiz mumkin.
🔸Were it not for Vivian, the conference wouldn't be going ahead.
🔸 Had it not been for my parents, I would never have gone to university.
4. Bunday holatlarda tez-tez but for+noun qurilmasidan ham foydalaniladi. Bu qurilma ham yuqoridagi qurilma bilan bir xil ma'noga ega.
🔸But for Jim's support, I wouldn't have got the job. (=if it hadn't been for Jim...Jimning yordami boʻlmaganida, men ishga kirmagan boʻlardim.)
Muallif: Khamdambek Atajanov
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