May 23, 2020

Modal fe'llarning majhul nisbatda qo'llanishi

▪️ Koʻpgina modal fe'llar (can/could/should/may/might/must/need/ought to) bilan ham majhul nisbat hosil qilish mumkin.

1. Hozirgi zamonda yuqoridagi modal fe'llardan keyin be + V3(ed) shaklini keltirish yoʻli bilan majhul nisbat hosil qilinadi.
🔸You must clean the room. (active voice) ➡️ The room must be cleaned. (passive voice)
🔸Somebody may break the window. (active voice) ➡️ The window may be broken. (passive voice)

2. Oʻtgan zamonda yuqoridagi modal fe'llardan keyin have been + V3(ed) shaklini keltirish yoʻli bilan majhul nisbat hosil qilinadi.
🔸The room looks nice. You must have cleaned it. (active voice) ➡️ The room must have been cleaned. (passive voice)
🔸Somebody may have broken the window. (active voice) ➡️ The window may have been broken. (passive voice)

⚠️ Yuqoridagi oʻtgan zamonda istisno holati have to modal fe’lida koʻrinadi. Oʻtgan zamondaga majhul nisbatdagi gaplarda bu modal fe’l had to+be+V3(ed) qurilmasida ishlatiladi.
🔸I had to clean the room ➡️ The room had to be cleaned.

Majhul nisbat qurilmasi bilan axborot berish

▪️Tasdiqlanmagan xabarlar (mish-mish) yoki rasmiy yangiliklar haqida majhul nisbat qurilmasi to be +V3(ed) orqali ma'lumot berishimiz mumkin. Bunday gaplar it is said that..., it is reported that... so'zlari bilan boshlanadi.
🔸It is said that George has been married six times. (Aytishlaricha, Jorj olti marta uylanganmish.)
🔸It is believed that the Earth is the only planet to support life. (Ishoniladiki, yer hayot mavjud boʻlgan yagona planetadir.)
🔸It is reported that two people were arrested by the police. (Xabar berilishicha, ikki nafar shaxs politsiya tomonidan hibsga olingan)

⚠️Yuqoridagi misollarda It olmoshi gapda nominal ega boʻlib kelmoqda. Bu gaplarni quyidagicha yozishimiz ham mumkin:
🔸It is said that George has been married six times ➡️ George is said to have been married six times.
🔸It is believed that the Earth is the only planet to support life ➡️ The Earth is believed to be the only planet to support life.
🔸It is reported that two people were arrested by the police ➡️Two people are reported to have been arrested by the police.

▪️ Quyidagi fe'llar ham axborot/xabar berish maqsadida majhul nisbat qurilmasida kela oladi.
▫️(to be) thought - o'ylashlaricha ▫️alleged - gumon qilinishicha ▫️understood - tushunishlaricha ▫️ considered - o'ylashlaricha ▫️ supposed - taxmin qilinishicha
🔸It is alleged that he kicked the policeman ➡️ He is alleged to have kicked the policeman.

▪️ Yuqoridagi qoidalarga qoʻshimcha tarzda ma'lumot berish uchun There + majhul nisbat qurilmasi ning qoʻllanishi mumkinligini aytib oʻtish lozim.
🔸There are believed to be thousands of homeless teenagers living on the streets of the capital.

▪️ Xabar yoki axborot berish ma'nosidan tashqari to be supposed to iborasi boshqa ma'noda ham qoʻllanadi.
Qiyoslash uchun:
🔸George is supposed to have six wives. (Jorjning oltita xotini bor emish.)
🔸You are supposed to eat more vegetables. (Siz koʻproq sabzavotlardan tanovul qilishingiz kerak.)
⚠️Ikkinchi misoldan ham koʻrinadiki, be supposed to+V1 ba'zan should modal fe'li ma'nosida qoʻllanishi mumkin.
🔸You are supposed to eat more vegetables. (=You should eat)
🔸You aren't supposed to leave yet. (= You shouldn't leave yet)

▪️ Oʻtgan zamonda esa be supposed to+V1 - kelishilgan/rejalashtirilgan ish amalga oshishi kerak edi degan ma'noda qoʻllaniladi. Ko’pincha bu ish-harakat amalga oshmagan boʻladi.
🔸The train was supposed to arrive at 10 oʻclock but it was an hour late. (The train wasn't on time)
🔸You weren't supposed to do this exercise. Why did you do it?

Muallif: Khamdambek Atajanov

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