Future Perfect Simple tense
▪️ Positive form:
🔸I will have eaten/ worked.
🔸He/she/it will have eaten/ worked.
🔸We/you/they will have eaten/worked.
▪️ Negative form:
🔸I will not have eaten/ worked.
🔸He/she/it will not have eaten/ worked.
🔸We/you/they will not have eaten/worked.
▪️ Question form:
🔸Will I have eaten/ worked?
🔸Will he/she/it have eaten/ worked?
🔸Will we/you/they have eaten/worked?
▪️ Qo'llanish holatlari:
1️⃣ by … + [kelasi zamondagi payt ravishi] bilan:
🔸I will have written this book by the end of May. (Men bu kitobni may oxirigacha yozib bo'laman.)
🔸Mrs. and Mr.Johnson will have been married for 25 years next year.
🔸They will have produced 200,000 cars by the year 2020.
2️⃣ by the time/before + [kelajakdagi ish-harakat] bilan qo'llaniladi.
🔸We will have checked all the passengers by the time the police come. (Politsiya kelgunicha biz hamma yo'lovchilarni tekshirib bo'lgan bo'lamiz)
🔸Will you have done the housework before we go out?
⚠️Future simple va Future perfect simple zamonlarini qiyoslaymiz:
▪️ Future simple tense (oddiy kelasi zamon) kelajakdagi sodir boʻladigan, tugallanmagan ish-harakatni bildiradi.
🔸They will begin to produce this car next year. (Ular bu mashinani keyingi yil ishlab chiqara boshlashadi)
🔸We will do the final test in May.
▪️ Future perfect simple (tugallangan kelasi zamon) esa kelajakda ma'lum bir vaqtga borib tugallanadigan ish-harakatni bildiradi.
🔸They will have produced 200,000 cars by the end of the year. (Ular yilning oxiriga borib 200,000 mashina ishlab chiqargan bo'lishadi)
🔸We will have done the test by the end of May.
Muallif: Khamdambek Atajanov
O’zbekiston Yoshlar ittifoqi tashabbusi bilan tashkil etilgan "Masofaviy ta’lim" Telegram kanali.