Как установить iСloud на windows 2012 server
You’ll need about 3 minutes, and two utilities.
Install 7-zip.
Install Orca, a Microsoft-provided MSI editor.
Orca is bundled with the Windows SDK, and getting it out of that bundle isn’t straightforward, so I’ve extracted it, and zipped it up so you can get it as a standalone program.
Download the iCloud control panel installer, if you haven’t already
Open iCloudSetup.exe with 7-zip.
Right-click it
Select 7-zip > Open with 7-zip
Extract the appropriate version of iCloud somewhere (usually this is iCloud64)
Open Orca, and open the iCloud MSI you just extracted
Go to the LaunchCondition table
Change this line:
From: (VersionNT >= 601) AND (MsiNTProductType = 1)
To: (VersionNT >= 601) AND (MsiNTProductType = 3)
Save and quit
You should then be able to install iCloud on your Windows Server OS using the MSI you just modified.
-Drop Table LaunchCondition;
-Find and drop Row RuniCloudUpgrade;
-Find and drop Row RuniCloudUpgrade again.