About Mate personal data handling (simple)
Hello! This is a note to introduce you ways we work with personal and sensitive data in the Mate Bot.
Where's all this data being stored?
Data is stored on MongoDB Atlas Сloud. Region: AWS Frankfurt (eu-central-1)
Backend is written in Go and hosted on Heroku.
What data is being collected exactly?
Bot collects:
- Name (the one user sets in bot, not Telegram one)
- Intro (the one user sets)
-Telegram user ID - to uniquely differentiate users of Mate Bot
Non-collecting operations.
Some user data is requested from Telegram "at the moment" and not stored explicitly:
- Group membership status.
When user joins a reel of a Telegram group -> we check if user is in that group.
- Telegram username.
Bot shows Telegram username if there is a match -> username is requested from Telegram by ID at the moment of display.
When bot is added to a group it collects Telegram group ID, group name and description to create a reel. Bot should be present in group to check if user is a member when a new person joins a reel.
To point this out: list of "Telegram group - members" is not stored. We don't know if user is in some group unless we ask it from Telegram
Who has access to this data?
Two people have an access to data above: Mate founder and backend-developer of Mate team.
As long as Mate products improve, our data collection and handling mechanisms will be changing and this document updated. Please, follow @mateblog and reach out in case of any questions!