May 14, 2020

paytoⓂ️inter_BOT v0.92

The purpose of this bot is to transfer Minter coins to chat participants, as well as the ability to make drops to the most active participants.

To install a bot, add it to the group and grant administrator rights.

Basic command

To send coins to a user in response to their message, write:

/pay 0.1 POPE

If the coin is not specified or an incorrect Ticker is specified, the BIP will be sent by default.

To send coins to multiple users, specify their names:

/payto 0.1 POPE @Maxwell2019 @Maxavd @Mudrak5555

If the user is not registered in the bot and sent messages to the chat in the last 12 hours, a wallet will be generated for them.

To make a distribution (drop), send the following command to the chat:

/airdrops 1 BIP 30

The specified amount will be divided between participants who sent messages to the chat in the last 30 minutes. The time is set in minutes from 5 to 720.

To make a random distribution, send the following command to the chat:

/rand 1 BIP 3

The specified amount will be divided among 3 random participants. The database is periodically updated by participants who are active in the chat, so initially not everyone participates in randomness.

To send a transaction with a payload message, specify the message at the end of the send command:

/pay 0.1 BIP Hello my friend :)

To make a payment to a specific wallet specified in the message, send the command:

/mx 1 bip

Admin commands in the chat:

/drop - disables drop (except for admins) / enables drop
/stickpay - disables / enables reward with stickers
/addtochat - ability to add a bot to any other chat

The settings of the bot

The recipient's wallet

To check the balance of the purse of the recipient, click 💵 Balance.

To change the recipient's password, send the bot a new address

Payment wallet

To create the purse charge, click the new button Create 💰.

You can spend your coins through the minture push service by clicking the 🛍 Spend.

To check your payment wallet balance, click 💸 Balance.

Remind your mnemonic phrase, button. 🛅 Seed. Withdraw to your wallet or exchange for BIP, button Send / Sell button 💰, you can also choose a coin to exchange.


For those who have a generated wallet for giveaways, the ❤️ Like ❤ ️ option is available, which shows your settings for encouraging chat users.

To set the reward amount, send the bot a command specifying the amount and coin:

/like 0.1 BIP

To disable this option, send the command:

/like 0 BIP

For button likes settings:
Select the necessary parameter and enter the necessary data in the response message

To encourage the user, reply to their message with one of the 👍 🙏 ❤ ️ 😘 or +
Ability to pay with stickers containing emojis


The Commission is paid in the same coin that is sent.

Additionally, you pay the standard Commission for using the bot! Thank you for your understanding )

Payment is possible with any custom coins that are available in the Minter network and on your balance.

🤐 Data is stored in encrypted form! However, I strongly do not recommend storing large amounts on generated wallets!

Bot for the history of your drops and transfers @paytominter_historybot

Into the plan:
+ make it possible to disable drops in chats;
- make drop restrictions for ad carriers in nicknames;
- make it possible to send paid messages in chats;
+ make a withdrawal from the generated wallet and convert to BIP;

Update history:

13/06/2020 added service in the bot,
click on the Потратить Spend button
Added a command in the chat: / addtochat-allows you to add a bot to the chat, where users are allowed to add bots
11/06/2020 made with stickers containing programmed emojis 👍 🙏 ❤ ️ 😘 it is possible to personalize emojis by chats (by agreement)
10/06/2020 added random to make a random distribution, send the command to the chat: /rand 1 BIP 3 The specified amount will be divided between 3 random participants. The database is periodically updated by participants who are active in the chat, so initially not everyone participates in randomness.
Added a filter: Words, sentences. containing the words: Hello, good morning, thank you, thank you are not counted in drops. We are for live communication )) To Like a person, it is not necessary for the second person to be registered in the bot.
25/05/2020 Bot updated to version 0.92, added the ability to withdraw from the generated wallet and convert to BIP as selectively from the list of coins, and all that is on the wallet, taking into account the reserve of more than 10K. A trial version of working with the Like command was introduced, and I left the old one too.