January 16, 2020

Chat usage rules ENG

Basic concept:

Chat administrator - a chat participant assigned by the Main mcoff administration who has certain rights
The flood (from the English. flood) - "clogging" chat messages, meaningless statements, multiple repetition of the same character or element, a random set of different letters, numbers, or all together. Under the flood also refers to a duplicate or similar posts that are written in a row or within available time editing.
Flame (from the English. flame) - emotional undocumented statements about which people have different opinions and tastes, inciting disputes, provoking participants to violate the rules, rudeness, etc.
Spam (from the English. spam) - sending advertising messages of various types.
Ban list - a list of participants who do not have access to the chat. It is used for serious or repeated violations of the rules.

Chat participants have the right to:

- Ask questions to the administrators of the project MCOFF on the project theme.
- Participate in discussions with other chat participants, Express your own opinion on any issue in the chat;
- Ask a question to a representative of the chat Administration regarding the chat operation and explanation of certain rules (this can be done in a personal message);
- Notify the Administration of violations in the chat in a personal message. All chat participants have equal rights and obligations, regardless of age, gender,nationality, place of residence, network address, time of registration and other circumstances, except for cases of violation of these Rules and membership of the chat Administration.
-An official response can be considered if the project administrator answered it to you.

Participants are not recommended:

- use any language other than Russian and English when writing a message
- create messages that are relevant to offtop, flame, flood;
- create short uninformative or meaningless messages (such messages also include meaningless statements such as " Hello everyone!"etc.);
- create messages consisting of only emoticons;
- create messages-requests to administrators that duplicate those created earlier for the main parameters;
- use the chat directly or indirectly for campaigning;
- abuse the CAPS LOCK function key (this does not correspond to etiquette, since it is equivalent to shouting and disrespectful attitude to other participants);
- publish photos (pictures, images) that do not correspond to the topic of the chat.

I parties is PROHIBITED:

- use obscene language when communicating in the chat;
- "go personal";
- offend and discriminate against participants and third parties on any grounds (national, gender, religious, racial, age, professional, or any other grounds);
- distribute private information about the participant, his / her identity, and activities without his / her consent;
- send messages with a pronounced nationalist bias;
- create messages that have the character of an appeal or propaganda of any kind, illegal or illegal actions, statements containing manifestations of national, racial, religious or any other intolerance, propaganda of extremism, fascism, etc.;
- leave messages in the chat that are advertising (to any extent) in nature and are not related to the brand;
- post messages about the sale and resale of any goods and services without the Administrator's permission;
- place links to Internet resources and / or files containing advertising information that is not related to the brand;
- create messages that provoke users to violate these Rules;
- deliberately change the meaning of the statements of the interlocutors when quoting;
- post files in the chat that violate copyright and related rights;
- post images in the chat that contain obscene expressions (gestures corresponding to them, images of a pornographic nature, openly erotic content, directly or indirectly advertising the use of drugs, violating any of the points in section 3, as well as insulting someone's (including third parties) dignity, personality, etc.

Consequences of violations:

- violations of the rules are punishable by warnings, temporary or permanent exclusion from the chat-depending on the severity of the violation and at the discretion of the Administrators;
- in case of serious and/or systematic violations, access to the chat (temporarily or permanently) can be closed without any warnings, and the user is listed in the ban list;
- messages that do not comply with the Rules are either blocked or deleted (with or without warning, depending on the severity of the situation).


- each participant agrees to these terms and conditions when entering the chat;
- not knowing the rules or not understanding Them does not release participants from responsibility for their actions;
- user messages Express the author's point of view, and it may not coincide with the administration's point of View MCOFF.PRO;
- any user who believes that the sent message offends him or someone's dignity or contradicts the rules of the chat, can contact any chat administrator via a personal message;
- project administration mcoff.pro it is not responsible for material and moral damage caused to the user in case of opening any links posted in the chat by another user;
- project administration mcoff.pro it is not responsible for violations of copyright and related rights when users post information, images, audio-video materials in the chat and tries to get rid of this kind of information whenever possible;
- chat is also PROHIBITED everything that is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Violation of this condition leads to adding to the ban list;