August 6, 2020

Role of Medical Drones in Medical Transport Systems

Medical Drones: Medical Supplies Transport Systems

Medical drones are aerodynamic pods that are used for transporting medical supplies like drugs, vaccines, and medical aids. Medical drones are developed for rapid and safe delivery of medical supplies in remote or inaccessible areas and war-torn areas from medical facilities. The advancement in technology and cost-cutting of medical drones has led to augmented adoption mainly by military and hospital sectors. Medical drones are in continuous research and development phase for producing a novel product with high speed, and accuracy in delivery. Medial drones are operated manually to fly the precise route, and are advantageous as they require no landing space and can drop packages from the lower fly. Also, the ability of medical drones to fly over closed areas and without a crew is the reason for its high demand. In the field of emergency medicine, drones have been used to deliver automatic external defibrillators to helpers.

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The medical drones industry is generally driven by low cost of equipment and increasing research and development investment by government bodies. However, product approval regulation has hindered commercialization of medical drones as they are not allowed to fly freely or without permission are hampering the growth of medical drones industry. Moreover, increasing penetration of medical drones in an emergency or catastrophic area are boosting the industry growth of medical drones.

The drone accelerated the process of drug delivery, thus improving patient care. The military has led an investigation into the drone's suitability for transporting patients. Artificial intelligence initiatives to ensure smart policymaking on emerging technologies like drones and other intelligent platforms.

Following Companies Operating in Medical Drones:-



- Embention

- Matternet

- Flirtey

- Zipline

- Vayu

Medical Drones Applications:

- Blood transfer

- Drugs/Pharmaceutical Transfer

- Vaccination Program

The age of drones has come and now both autonomous driving and autonomous flying aviation are becoming a reality. Companies ranging from new startups like Google and Amazon Mazon to established businesses are fighting for a few pieces in the sky looking for the best way to incorporate drones into their lifestyles. With their speed and skill, drones have attracted attention for their ability to place shopping orders and take photos of the world from above. But these drugs can work for medical purposes by shutting down drugs, defibrillators and other equipment at emergency locations or care facilities.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) known as drones can play an important role in military and civilian emergency medicine. The purpose of this study was to present the real possibility of using them in rescue work and to give examples from all over the world.

Medical drones can be used to transport goods on demand, to supply blood to urban areas, to rescue drowning people, to analyze the extent of damage, to monitor large human gatherings, to conduct investigative activities, to distribute blood samples and other analysis materials, to provide automatic external defibrillators. . Assist in rescue work and air transport and farm work.

One should be aware of the existing rules regarding drone flights as the appearance of unsupported aircraft in a controlled space is known to affect the safety of air traffic.

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